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Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:12 am
by Mel
The critters however kept running off even further into the field when we approached and there are only a very few photos to show:


However, we were able to tick of another antelope that we hadn’t seen before – grey rhebok

Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:13 am
by Mel
And also a new korhan species – which I think is a Karoo korhan:

Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:14 am
by Mel
Then a couple of the usual suspects:


Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:14 am
by Mel
Back in the camp we settled down to watch the light fading over the mountains that could be viewed from the verandah.



SO would light a last braai fire on this trip.


Tomorrow we would be driving to Cape Town and leave the park time behind us.

Re: Addo and the Frontier Parks - Two-timing the KTP

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:15 am
by Mel

For the next morning we had decided to have a bit of a lie-in as we wouldn’t go out on a drive anymore before leaving. But early nights make early mornings and so I awoke well ahead of the time we had wanted to get up. Which was not a bad thing as I could watch the daybreak with its beautiful rose colours:




We left the park around 9 am and were actually rather anxious about having to go back to civilization after having spent 9 nights in various parks. But October isn’t that far away anymore and then we’ll return ‘home’ to the Kalahari once again. Maybe I’ll see you on that trip again, but for now I say thanks for following our two-timing tour through the Frontier parks. 0/0