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Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:43 pm
by Flutterby
And so we had come to our last day in New York, which was spent seeing some last sights and shopping on Fifth Avenue! O** One thing the Brat knows how to do is spend money!! 0*\

In between the shopping we found time to pop in to St Patrick's for a closer look. Although, as I said before, there are major renovations underway, so a lot of the interior was covered in scaffolding. :O^


The Brat sat himself down in the last pew and promptly found that there was free WiFi available!! lol 0-


A very impressive organ! ;-)


FAO Schwarz is the oldest toy store in the US, and is famous for its big floor piano which featured in the Tom Hanks' film "Big". Of course the Brat had to have a go. lol


We walked from one end of 5th Avenue to the other and were exhausted! We went into just about every store that was "affordable" including Banana Republic, Guess, Bose, Top Shop, Hollister, Lucky Brand etc., and the Brat lightened his wallet (and mine) considerably!! :O^ He was really looking forward to Calvin Klein, but when he saw that a very simple jersey cost $500 we made a very quick exit!! lol Just for fun we went into Bergdof Goodman, where a men's scarf was $200! O** We gave shops like Versace, Chanel, Gucci and Prada a wide berth! ;-)

For our last meal in NY we went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square.




The Brat had Pulled Pork and I had Buffalo Wings, but the food was nothing special. :no: What we did find in most restaurants is that people don't linger like we do in SA. Here, we make it more of an outing and a chance to relax and chat, but there you place your order, your food arrives within minutes, you eat and you leave. :-? So it's Fast Food wherever you go! O**

One last look at Times Square. This is the famous ball that drops at midnight on New Year's Eve.


A protest rally in solidarity with the Balitmore riots where we heard lots of calls of "Y'all better repent!" and "The end of the world is nigh"! 0'


For all my negative comments, there were many, many more positive moments and the Brat and I absolutely loved The Big Apple. :yes: When we got back, I said I was glad I had been but would probably not return....but who knows? Never say never! ;-)

Farewell New York...thanks for an amazing time!! 0/* 0/*


Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:04 pm
by nan
wo again some magnificent pictures and images O/\
^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:37 pm
by Richprins
A very impressive organ! ;-)

Never heard those words spoken in this context, Flutts! =O:

Ja...stop spoiling the boy...he will drain you of money? 0*\

But thanks for this, really a great report with good pics...another "pudding"! :ty:

Maybe some last pics...sudden stop... :-(

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:23 am
by Flutterby
nan wrote:wo again some magnificent pictures and images O/\
^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^
Thank you nan! \O
Richprins wrote:A very impressive organ! ;-)

Never heard those words spoken in this context, Flutts! =O:
But entirely the correct context! :twisted:

Richprins wrote:Ja...stop spoiling the boy...he will drain you of money? 0*\

But thanks for this, really a great report with good pics...another "pudding"! :ty:

Maybe some last pics...sudden stop... :-(
If you can't spoil your kids who can you spoil? ;-) Thanks for tagging along and for your great comments. \O

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 2:57 pm
by Mel
You can't consider a Hardrock Café to be a place where you can eat well. lol Just all about the been there, seen it, got the t-shirt. :twisted:
I did as well, just forgot the t-shirt. lol

Who is Bergdof Goodman... I seriously have never heard of that label. :o0ps:

St. Patrick's is stunning and looks so out of place between all the moderns skyscrapers and yet, so very apt among them at the same time.
What is free Wi-Fi for in a church? 0' Only serves as a distraction for the believers. :twisted:

Happy to hear that you generally enjoyed your trip! And if it's just for having seen something different, and maybe a must-do-before-you-die
thing on top of it. Like you I'd also say "never say never" but at the moment I'm going to spend my money elsewhere in the world. lol

Thanks for sharing! O0

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:06 pm
by Flutterby
I got the T-shirt!! lol O/\

Bergdof Goodman is just a very fancy shop that sells very overpriced clothes, and has very snooty sales people looking down their noses at you! lol

Mel, we truly did enjoy ourselves, and I wouldn't mind taking SO back there one day, but I don't see that happening! O**

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:55 pm
by pooky
What a wonderful experience for you both Flutterby and Bush Brat ^Q^ ^Q^

Also wondered why one would need Wi-fi in a church - sign of the times I guess :O^
Beautiful church \O

The Hard Rock looks like an interesting place to visit ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:47 am
by Pumbaa
Enjoyed your last day, Flutterby,

especially the shopping decription and the dinner experience and you are so right it is fast food everywhere O**

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:06 am
by Lisbeth
we went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square.
Got the T-shirt? =O:

What is it in the next pic? Guitars? 0-

Big cities are very tiring, but New York is a kind of must \O

Thanks for sharing, Flutty O:V

Re: Into the Madding Crowds!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:11 pm
by ExFmem
WONDERFUL trip report! ^Q^ ^Q^ Interesting to hear of others impressions of the good, the bad, and the ugly on our side of the pond. Your pictures are really exceptional, enjoyed reliving some sights and sounds that I, too, won't be returning to, as I'm just not a big city kinda gal.

Thank you, Flutts and Brat for taking me on a stroll down memory lane. ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^ Well done!