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Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:44 pm
by GavinW
A quiet afternoon

We got back to Mata Mata at about 1pm after our morning drive, and decided to chill in camp for a while as we (no sorry), I had some washing to do

Debs insisted that she was on holiday, and that washing clothes was definitely my job :evil:

Happy wife........ Happy life! ek se maar niks 0*\

While I was doing my household chores, my SO was out looking for birds

She managed to locate the Pearl Spotted Owlet that had been calling all day.
(She did call me to show and tell!!)


After all the household chores were completed, we packed an evening cooler box and set off to Craig Lockhart for sundowners
We were treated to sightings of a lot of general game including these wildies


And some gemsbok



The moonrise on the way home was stunning, and was just a prelude of what was to come in the next few evenings


That being said, we were treated with another spectacular sunset that evening.
Writing this I just want to be back there



Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:49 pm
by Lisbeth
I wish I had a husband able/willing to do more chores, like hand washing, passing the Hoover etc. 0*\

Lovely pearl spotted owlet ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:06 am
by Mel
That was indeed another Special day in the Kgalagadi! What a lovely sighting of the mongoose, great shot of the buzzard and I also like the goshawk - buzzard interaction. Always great to watch stuff like that. But the springbok had me in stitches! =O:

And of course that pretty pearlie 0/0

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:48 pm
by Alf
An undercover springbok trying to do his private business =O: =O: =O: =O: =O: =O:

A sundowner sounds great now O**

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:22 pm
by GavinW
19 May: Mata Mata meandering

We always like to be at the gate early so as to be able to get out into the game area as soon as possible.
What do they say about early birds and worms?
This morning we formed part of a typical early morning gate queue in Mata Mata.


As the sun rose in the east, we came upon this herd of wildebeest in the riverbed


And a bit later these bokke seemed quite happy to enjoy their breakfast without even noticing us.


Another quiet day seemed to be on the cards. :-?

However, as I have said often before, there is no such thing as a quiet day in the KTP, as you will ALWAYS find stuff to look at.

Like this kestrel


A lone meercat just south of Urikaruus


And a baby springbok trying to live up to it’s name



Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:52 pm
by Mel
Awww, that is cute! 0/0

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:17 pm
by Alf
A flying springbok in action ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:31 pm
by Lisbeth
A lovely meerkat O/\

and the baby springbokkie is very ......spinging ;-) O\/ O\/

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:32 pm
by pooky
Some great sightings ^Q^ ^Q^

Love the sunrises - can never see enough of them!!

Very cute little flying springbok \O

Nice pearl spotted owlet and kestrel. ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: Camping with Petronella ; KTP May 2016

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:18 pm
by GavinW
Thanks everyone for your comments :-)

The Kalahari always delivers no matter what we see, we always feel blessed at what we have in front of us, and a little frustrated when we hear of what we missed out on :evil:

The trees at Kamqua are dead.

They were inadvertently poisoned a few years back with insecticide to try and treat them. (I am under correction, but I think that is the case)

One of the most amazing things I find about those trees is this one in particular

A branch broke off the tree and landed exactly on top of one of the picnic table posts, and stayed there.
Hello what are the chances of that? -O-


The rest of our morning drive took us to Montrose and then back
I wonder if this was the same Jackal Buzzard we saw yesterday?


The munch bunch were out and about



As was this tawny eagle


We went back to camp, where a lion had been seen high up on the dunes above camp, but we couldn’t see it, so after a rest we set off on a trip to Craig Lockhart and back

My PA was on the side of the road at about 5pm


And this Kori was strutting its stuff a bit later


And before we got back to camp we saw some Genormans which were grazing peacefully


Once back in Mata Mata , I was torn between various tasks

• Trying to sort the meat out without Zazu stealing it
• Lighting the fire ( My SO was after all pretty hungry)


• Being at the new hide at Mata Mata


• Along with some friends


• Or to have a peek at the now visible lion far away on the dune above Mata Mata


A first for us, a lion at Mata Mata
Our lion drought was about to end, we hoped :no: