4th Lower Sabie continued
We couldn’t believe that such a small tuft of grass could hide the leopard, so we tried a few other spots in the loop to see if we could get a view. Albert even got stage fright with a biscuit and forgot that she could look and chew at the same time.
Eventually we ended up back in our original spot and decided to wait awhile to see if the leopard would move again, but soon we became distracted and started taking pics of other things including a hippo below the view point that had an ox pecker hairstyle.
After waiting 20 minutes we decided that the leopard was in snooze mode, so continued on down the H10, but stopped once for a hyena sleeping just outside Tshokwane first.
Around halfway down the H10 we came across 2 males and a lioness but the 1 male was hovering so it became clear that he was hanging on the fringes and waiting for his turn to pull in and score. The other male tried to score minutes later and got a paw across his nose which cracked us all up, but unfortunately I missed the pic, however the Cow got it on video.
We only got back into camp just before 12, so our electric frying pan breakfast turned into lunch.
Hawkeyes went on a bird mission with my camera around camp while the Cow and I cooked.
After chow the rats went swimming as the weather had improved slightly while the Cow and I relaxed on our chairs in the EH hut mix.
Later in the afternoon our neighbour started a potjie which got my nose twitching, so I tried to be social. My plan was to con him for the recipe, but he was the stern Afrikaans type, therefore I got switched quickly, however I didn’t develop a pelican over it because his 2 young kids were “seen but not heard”, so his stern style obviously extended to the family also which meant peace in the area.
It had been another long morning so we weren’t overexcited about the evening drive, hence only left camp after 4pm and the plan was to head up to the causeway 12km away, do the loop and then return to camp.
Around 5km up the H4-1, just past Lubyelubye we found a few cars and lions were chowing a baby hippo in the riverbed.
Next up a boon pulling a serious face which had me trying to work out what was going through his pip, but maybe RP can explain.
Just before the causeway more cars appeared and it was a leopard kill in a tree, but no leopard, so we continued on to the causeway, which only produced a few of the normal gang, therefore we decided to head back towards Lower Sabie and as luck would have it, the cars at the leopard kill had thinned out to only 2 cars and the leopard was back in the tree.
I got the fire going in camp and tried to be social with our other neighbour as you are all on top of each other in the EH hut area, however this neighbour turned out to be “over social” and I soon worked out that he wasn’t my cup of tea, but now couldn’t get rid of him. Eventually I made the excuse that our fire was dying and ducked off to braai, but the Cow was still getting her ear chewed off and the rats eventually saved her.
Heksie was meant to pull in for dops, but never showed up, however as stated, she was on an adventure this day, so that can remain for her TT.
To be continued