Araneomorphae, Araneidae (Orb-web Spiders)
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:04 pm
Family Araneidae (Orb-web Spiders)
The family Araneidae has a worldwide distribution with an enormous diversity of > 2600 species. In South Africa the family is represented by 35 genera and 95 species of which 26 species are endemics. This is one of the families referred to as the orb-web spiders (another being, Tetragnathidae) although some genera do not spin orb webs. The Greek myth about Arachne is probably attributed to one of these spiders. This is one of the most diverse groups of spiders with various shapes, colours and camouflage systems. They are harmless to man.
The genera are very diverse in shape, colour, size and behaviour and are grouped in the following subfamilies Araneinae, Argiopinae, Cyrtarachninae. Cyrtophorinae and Gasteracanthinae.
Araneinae: Arachnura (scorpion-tail spiders); Caerostris (bark spiders); Cyclosa (garbage-line spiders); Cyphalonotus (twig spiders); Hypsosinga, Neoscona, Araneus (hairy field spiders); Pararaneus (spicky hairy field spiders); Nemoscolus (stone-nest spiders); Kilima, Larinia and Lipocrea (grass orb-web spiders); Singa (pajama spiders).
Argiopinae: Argiope (garden orb-web spiders); Argiope trifasciata (banded orb-web spiders); Argiope australis (butter spider or black and yellow banded spider).
Cyrtarachninae: Cladomelea (bolas spiders); Pycnacantha (hedgehog spiders); Paraplectana (lady bird spiders); Aethriscus and Cyrtarachne (bird-dropping spiders).
Cyrtophorinae: Cyrtophora (tropical tent-web spiders).
Gasteracanthinae: Gasteracantha (kite spider); Isoxya (box spiders).
Life style
Web dwellers (typical orb-web); webs usually made in and between vegetation.
Body size
Vary between genera (3-30 mm), (males usually smaller, with distinct sexual dimorphism).
Diagnostic characters
Vary between genera.
Colour: varies from cream to brown to greyish black or brightly coloured; colour allows spider to blend in with environment when resting.
Carapace: variable smooth or with numerous protuberances especially ly in species found on bark.
Eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4).
Abdomen: variable, usual as wide as long overhanging the carapace, covered with protuberances or patterns, sometimes elongated.
Legs: not very long, when at rest kept close to body.
Web and retreat
Web: the spider hangs head down in the middle of the orb-web or is found in a retreat close by. The web can be either horizontal or vertical. It consists of bridge lines, radii and a circular area, which are usually made of adhesive threads. The shape, number of radii and position of webs vary between the different genera.
The diurnal groups continually repair their webs, usually using them for a number of days. The web cannot be used indefinitely as it dries and loses its capture ability and insects will no longer stick to it. Nocturnal spiders, on the other hand, construct a new web every night and it is taken down at dawn and eaten. This serves as a valuable source of protein. The bridge line, the main original stay that is built, is retained for reuse. The webs consists of a bridge line with a frame and supporting threads, numerous radials, a viscid (sticky) spiral and a central hub which may be open or matted with silk. Webs may be vertical, inclined and rarely horizontal. Each species of spider has its own characteristic web design.
Retreat: some genera construct a tunnel-shaped retreat of silk and plant debris on one side of the web. The spider is then in contact with the web with a signal trip-line.
Found in a variety of habitats. Commonly found in Savanna, Nama-Karoo, Succulent Karoo, Fynbos Biomes and open forest.
Most species are nocturnal and procryptic by day resting with their bodies appressed against the substrate. The orb-web spiders have poor vision and locate their prey by feeling the vibrations and tensions of the web. They wrap their prey with alternating movements of their fourth pairs of legs by pulling the silk from the spinnerets and throwing large bands of silk over the prey.
The Araneidae (with the family, Tetragnathidae) occupy a niche not utilized by other spiders. They occupy the aerial passage amongst vegetation in the path of flying insects. The spider sits on the web waiting for prey to get trapped in the web. Once prey is caught, the spider then cautiously approaches the prey, wraps it in silk to immobilize it and kills it with a venomous bite. The prey is then moved to the centre of the web or to its retreat among vegetation and consumed. As spiders cannot eat solids, the internal organs have to be liquidised. The spider pumps enzymes from its mouth through the fang puncture holes to create a soup which it can drink. This action differs from the Tetragnathidae.
Links: Atlas of the Spiders of South Africa; Biodiversity Explorer
The family Araneidae has a worldwide distribution with an enormous diversity of > 2600 species. In South Africa the family is represented by 35 genera and 95 species of which 26 species are endemics. This is one of the families referred to as the orb-web spiders (another being, Tetragnathidae) although some genera do not spin orb webs. The Greek myth about Arachne is probably attributed to one of these spiders. This is one of the most diverse groups of spiders with various shapes, colours and camouflage systems. They are harmless to man.
The genera are very diverse in shape, colour, size and behaviour and are grouped in the following subfamilies Araneinae, Argiopinae, Cyrtarachninae. Cyrtophorinae and Gasteracanthinae.
Araneinae: Arachnura (scorpion-tail spiders); Caerostris (bark spiders); Cyclosa (garbage-line spiders); Cyphalonotus (twig spiders); Hypsosinga, Neoscona, Araneus (hairy field spiders); Pararaneus (spicky hairy field spiders); Nemoscolus (stone-nest spiders); Kilima, Larinia and Lipocrea (grass orb-web spiders); Singa (pajama spiders).
Argiopinae: Argiope (garden orb-web spiders); Argiope trifasciata (banded orb-web spiders); Argiope australis (butter spider or black and yellow banded spider).
Cyrtarachninae: Cladomelea (bolas spiders); Pycnacantha (hedgehog spiders); Paraplectana (lady bird spiders); Aethriscus and Cyrtarachne (bird-dropping spiders).
Cyrtophorinae: Cyrtophora (tropical tent-web spiders).
Gasteracanthinae: Gasteracantha (kite spider); Isoxya (box spiders).
Life style
Web dwellers (typical orb-web); webs usually made in and between vegetation.
Body size
Vary between genera (3-30 mm), (males usually smaller, with distinct sexual dimorphism).
Diagnostic characters
Vary between genera.
Colour: varies from cream to brown to greyish black or brightly coloured; colour allows spider to blend in with environment when resting.
Carapace: variable smooth or with numerous protuberances especially ly in species found on bark.
Eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4).
Abdomen: variable, usual as wide as long overhanging the carapace, covered with protuberances or patterns, sometimes elongated.
Legs: not very long, when at rest kept close to body.
Web and retreat
Web: the spider hangs head down in the middle of the orb-web or is found in a retreat close by. The web can be either horizontal or vertical. It consists of bridge lines, radii and a circular area, which are usually made of adhesive threads. The shape, number of radii and position of webs vary between the different genera.
The diurnal groups continually repair their webs, usually using them for a number of days. The web cannot be used indefinitely as it dries and loses its capture ability and insects will no longer stick to it. Nocturnal spiders, on the other hand, construct a new web every night and it is taken down at dawn and eaten. This serves as a valuable source of protein. The bridge line, the main original stay that is built, is retained for reuse. The webs consists of a bridge line with a frame and supporting threads, numerous radials, a viscid (sticky) spiral and a central hub which may be open or matted with silk. Webs may be vertical, inclined and rarely horizontal. Each species of spider has its own characteristic web design.
Retreat: some genera construct a tunnel-shaped retreat of silk and plant debris on one side of the web. The spider is then in contact with the web with a signal trip-line.
Found in a variety of habitats. Commonly found in Savanna, Nama-Karoo, Succulent Karoo, Fynbos Biomes and open forest.
Most species are nocturnal and procryptic by day resting with their bodies appressed against the substrate. The orb-web spiders have poor vision and locate their prey by feeling the vibrations and tensions of the web. They wrap their prey with alternating movements of their fourth pairs of legs by pulling the silk from the spinnerets and throwing large bands of silk over the prey.
The Araneidae (with the family, Tetragnathidae) occupy a niche not utilized by other spiders. They occupy the aerial passage amongst vegetation in the path of flying insects. The spider sits on the web waiting for prey to get trapped in the web. Once prey is caught, the spider then cautiously approaches the prey, wraps it in silk to immobilize it and kills it with a venomous bite. The prey is then moved to the centre of the web or to its retreat among vegetation and consumed. As spiders cannot eat solids, the internal organs have to be liquidised. The spider pumps enzymes from its mouth through the fang puncture holes to create a soup which it can drink. This action differs from the Tetragnathidae.
Links: Atlas of the Spiders of South Africa; Biodiversity Explorer