Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

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Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by mouseinthehouse »

Don't know I can have a favourite. Damaraland (although not a park) in Namibia is such an immense and unique and timeless place. Of true parks, perhaps Etosha, but it is becoming increasingly busy... Hwange is dear to my heart and I think would take number one spot. :-)
I suspect that when I get to Mana Pools for the first time it will surpass all else. The Okavango is sublime but we are yet to explore it properly. KTP for our first visit next May I am sure is going to steal my heart. I love Kruger but I also find it far too busy sadly and will definitely not be back to the south any time soon.

I have a yearning to also get to Matusadona, Gonarezhu, CKGR (we booked there and had a flood event and couldn't get access :-( ), North and South Luangwa and Liuwa Plains.


Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by bambazonke »

This topic needs updating, so here goes.

Have travelled a bit, so my favourite SA park has to be Karoo NP, birding is good but the atmosphere is just so special, timeless and it has a serenity not found in the other parks, and because animals not as easy to spot, seems to lack the inconsiderate visitors that other parks attract.
Mokala (this park is the curate's egg for me) good in parts, not good in others perhaps more visits??

Ebb and Flow yes it is on a national highway and the volume of road noise varies, but the area and park are delightful for a short stay.

KTP last visit was not great, very busy even though not school holidays and it appears that a fair number consider the park a bucket list tick! I could arrange the bucket sooner than they perhaps would like.

Like Etosha but not the trip.
Mana Pools and Hwange big tick also Kafue and South Luangwa.
Botswana lots of bucket list types. O/

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Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by Flutterby »

You are lucky to have visited so many parks. \O


Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by bambazonke »

My parents were to blame, mother was an ardent amateur botanist and sadly some of my Dad's war service was in the Far East and I think it made him a bit anti social, he did not like places with lots of people. So at least one weekend a month we went away somewhere to nature reserves, game parks, private farms and the August school holidays were usually spent in the further parks. One mad year we even drove from what is now Zimbabwe to visit friends who farmed in Tanzania We had an old Landrover!!!

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Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by Flutterby »

Sounds like an amazing childhood. \O

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Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by Richprins »

Very interesting, and lucky, bamba! :yes:

Like your bucket comments! lol

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Re: Which is your Favourite Park, and Why?

Post by bambazonke »

You would ^Q^

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