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Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:44 pm
by Dewi
Pioneer Dam, Mopani.


Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:44 pm
by Sprocky
Just a quick photo to show what it currently looks like at Sable Dam. This shot was taken yesterday from the far end of the dam. The area where the Ellie is standing is where the cars normally park. The dam is still so full there is no way of getting near there.


Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:29 am
by jb72
I'm sure it has been discussed elsewhere on this forum, but I can't find anything.....
I was really sad to see Lugmag Dam completely dry on Sunday. Apparently the dam wall dave in during the floods in January, and there are no plans to re-build it. Same goes for Vutomi Dam. This according to the guy at Nhlungulani Picnis Spot (Sorry forgot his name). The Vutomi road is still closed, so I could not go see for myslef, but this is really sad as these were two of my favourite dams in the park. Where will I go to now ? -O-
Jones' Dam was full, but there were no animals around.

Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:53 am
by Flutterby
Hi jb72, Vutomi was discussed under "Flavour of the Month" a while ago:

Read Here

Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:01 pm
by Richprins
Sad news indeed! :-(

What about Manzimhlope Windmill? -O-

Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:43 pm
by jb72
Richprins wrote:Sad news indeed! :-(

What about Manzimhlope Windmill? -O-
I don't have a map with me now, but Manzimhlope is the waterhole just before Jones' Dam when coming from the north ?
It was full of water at the weekend, and seems like it is a good spot at present. Lots of ele's, zebra and impala around on Sunday, and always a good spot for Sable \O
Not sure what the plans are for the future though - hopefully it won't be closed too :evil:

Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:47 pm
by jb72
Is there a map or something available that shows all the water points that are/will be closed ?

Welverdiend WH on the Sweni road was also empty on Sunday, and I would like to know if this is part of the "plan", or if it's just a faulty borehole.

Re: Best Waterpoints and Dams

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:50 pm
by Richprins
I asked Kruger the same question months reply! -O-

Your Favourite Waterhole/Waterpoint

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:25 am
by Richprins
Waterhole-sitting is by far the most rewarding Kruger exercise for me. One saves petrol, relieves congestion, and generally it is peaceful with all sorts of big and small things to look at. (And the odd surprise!)

Obviously this is less rewarding during the wet season, though, but with a bit of research one can find areas that are surprisingly dry, as Kruger rainfall is often patchy.

Big dams are sometimes difficult as the area to look at is too big, but conversely they serve large numbers of animals and at the end of the dry season they can shrink to a small size and be very busy!

Small dams/pans sometimes dry up, though, and windmills can break or "disappear'... lol

For me the following factors are important:

A- Shade
B- Closeness to the water
C- Rare mammal species
D- Proximity to a camp/gate (ease of access)
E- Remoteness (off the main roads)

I must think a bit about my top 3, but for example:

Klopperfontein Dam A-


A- Shade (4/5)
B- Closeness to the water (5/5)
C- Rare mammal species (4/5) - (Roan, Tsessebe, Eland, Lion)
D- Proximity to a camp/gate (ease of access) (2/5) (Punda Maria, Pafuri, H1-8)
E- Remoteness (off the main roads) (3/5)

= 18/25

Best sightings: Lion, CLOSE elephant.

Link to flavour: ... =263&t=576

Re: Your Favourite Waterhole/Waterpoint

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 8:42 am
by Flutterby
Girivana is one of my favourites. :yes:

A- Shade 3/5
B- Closeness to the water 5/5
C- Rare mammal species 2/5
D- Proximity to a camp/gate (ease of access) 3/5
E- Remoteness (off the main roads) 3/5

= 16/25
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