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Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:26 am
by Richprins
CEO back at work!

KNP uitvoerende bestuurder terug in die tuig
‘n Ondersoek is afgehandel en ‘n verslag daaroor aan die hoof-uitvoerende beampte van SANParke oorhandig.
June 17, 2019
Mariana Balt

SKUKUZA – Die uitvoerende bestuurder van die Nasionale Krugerwildtuin, Glenn Phillips, is terug op sy pos.

Isaac Phaahla, die wildtuin se woord-voerder het bevestig dat Phillips, wie sedert vroeg in Mei met verlof was, verlede week diens hervat het.

Hoewel hy ontken dat Phillips se verlof enigiets te doen het met ‘n onafhanklike ondersoek oor beweerde rassisme en viktimisering van sekere werknemers in die park, het hy bevestig dat so ‘n ondersoek wel van stapel gestuur is.

Hoewel Phaahla hom ook nie veel oor die ondersoek self, en deur wie dit gelei is, wou uitlaat nie, is die naam van adv. Boyce Mkhize in ander media in dié verband genoem.

Phaahla het wel gesê dat die ondersoek afgehandel is en ‘n verslag daaroor aan die hoof-uitvoerende beampte van SANParke oorhandig sal word.

Of die uitslag aan die publiek bekend-gemaak sal word, is egter ook nog ‘n ope vraag. “Die ondersoek behels verskeie partye en is ‘n interne aangeleentheid, dus sal die hoof-uitvoerende beampte volgens sy eie diskresie handel in so ‘n besluit,” het Phaahla gesê.

Bewerings van wydverspreide rassisme en arbitrêre “marteling” van swart personeel in die wildtuin is onlangs deur ‘n Engelse weekblad gepubliseer. Swart werknemers het glo gekla oor aanranding en dat van hulle soms sonder bewyse van renosterstropery aangekla word.

SANParke het sulke bewerings herhaaldelik ontken en gesê dat voldoende dissiplinêre prosesse in al daardie gevalle gevolg is.

Basically spokesman Phaahla admits that an investigation into Phillips was completed and delivered to SANParks management. Other media mentions Adv Boyce Mkhize in this regard. It is an internal matter and public knowledge will depend on the discretion of SP's CEO.

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:30 am
by Alf
Is he now guilty or not -O-

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:33 am
by Richprins

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:46 pm
by Klipspringer
Here is the English translation ... n-the-job/

Kruger Park manager back on the job

Mariana Balt

An investigation into allegations of racism and victimisation has been concluded, and a report has been given to the park’s executive management.
The executive manager of the Kruger National Park, Glenn Phillips, is back at work, reports Lowvelder.

The park’s general manager of marketing and communication Isaac Phaahla confirmed that Phillips, who has been on leave since early in May, resumed his duties last week.

Although he denies that Phillips’ leave had anything to do with an independent investigation into alleged racism and victimisation of some park workers, he confirmed that such an investigation had been launched.

Phaahla was not willing to disclose the details regarding the investigation, or who is leading it, but advocate Boyce Mkhize has been named as being involved in other media publications.

Phaahla did say that the investigation had been completed and that a report would be handed over to the head SANParks.

It is also not yet known if the report will be made public.

“The investigation involves various parties and is an internal issue, therefore, the head manager will decide how to handle it,” Phaahla explained.

Allegations of widespread racism and arbitrary “attacks’ on black personnel in the park was recently published by an English weekly publication.

Black workers allegedly complained about being assaulted, and some of them have been accused of being involved in rhino poaching without any evidence.

SANParks has repeatedly denied such allegations, and said that due disciplinary proceedings were followed in all incidents of such a nature.

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:19 pm
by Lisbeth
With all the allegations widespread the result of the investigation ought to be made public IMO. Only the comment by Phaahla that Phillips is back at work should justify this. I do not think that the spokesperson normally reveals that a manager is back at work after a holiday O**

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:48 pm
by Klipspringer ... p?id=57878

02 August 2019

South African National Parks (SANParks) announced today that the Managing Executive of Kruger National Park (KNP), Glenn Phillips, will be exiting the organization after 16 years of service.

The Chief Executive Officer of SANParks, Fundisile Mketeni said, “During his tenure as Managing Executive of Tourism, Glenn was instrumental in building sound relationships with the tourism industry, implementing responsible tourism principles, streamlining reservation processes as well as the successful implementation of Public-Private Partnerships. In addition, during his tenure in KNP, he led and guided the revision of the Kruger National Park management plan based on an integrated landscape approach resulting in the signing of a cooperative agreement between all state and privately-owned conservation areas open to the KNP’s Western Boundary. This agreement puts in place a collaborative approach which seeks to stimulate socio-economic development in the region, based on sound environmental management and accountable governance. “His visionary leadership, passion and commitment to SANParks and conservation will be sorely missed.”

Phillips has cited personal reasons for his decision, “what I am proudest of is that in the past four years, I have had the privilege of working with a team of dedicated Rangers and Conservationists who have despite all odds and at massive personal cost, managed to reduce the poaching of Rhino in KNP. The battle is far from over, but without the efforts of these dedicated individuals the situation would be far worse than it currently is.”

Mketeni will take on the role of Acting Managing Executive of Kruger National Park until a suitable replacement has been found.

Issued by:
South African National Parks (SANParks) Corporate Communications

Media enquiries:
Jessica Ndlovu
Cell: 074 813 7528

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:38 pm
by Lisbeth
Hmmmm :-? O**

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:06 pm
by RogerFraser
O-/ yip another one bites the dust. The downward spiral continues to accelerate throughout all the SEO's.... 0-

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Allegedly Under Fire

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:40 pm
by Richprins
While Glenn was a difficult customer at times, he worked against incredible odds, and I have grudging respect for him after all the years of us fighting. X#X

He left due to racial reasons, IMO, which is plain wrong.

All the best, Glenn.

Re: Kruger CEO Glenn Phillips Resigns

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:59 pm
by Alf
And the circus continues O/