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Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:57 pm
by Richprins
Weird how elephants are so scared of bees! :shock:

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:32 pm
by Lisbeth
:yes: I have always wondered too. Maybe the bzzzz sound ;-) or maybe they enter the ears or the trunk =O:

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2023 9:29 pm
by RogerFraser
Would love to know the process of this was anyone injured or any attempt made to recapture or just no funds to try so they destroy it...

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:53 am
by Lisbeth
Ezemvelo doesn't do one thing right lately O/

Why do the parks use the expression "destroy" instead of "kill"? IMO it sounds even worse -O-

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:23 am
by Richprins
Of course the local community will descend on the carcass. 0()

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:24 pm
by Lisbeth

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 3:50 pm
by Lisbeth
Gran plan – rural gogos embrace technology to protect elephants and boost human-wildlife tolerance

iGOGO project coordinator Jane Simmonds oversees a session of goGOGOgo, which helps with elephant conservation. (Photo: Jane Simmonds / goGOGOgo)

By Mokgadi Mogy Mashako | 28 Feb 2023

A rural project in the Greater Kruger area in Limpopo is empowering grandmothers to fly the conservation flag using technology.
Rural grandmothers in Limpopo, brought together in the Ndlopfu Gogo programme by Elephants Alive, now have more tools in their mission to protect elephants.

Armed with tablets provided by the nonprofit goGOGOgo and a wealth of knowledge passed down through generations, these women are making a big impact on the future of elephants in their region.

Through a collaborative programme between Elephants Alive, goGOGOgo, Koru Camp and the Tshemba Foundation, these elders have been trained to collect and share crucial environmental and educational information about elephants and wildlife in general. As second- and third-generation educators within their communities, they play a crucial role in fostering human-wildlife tolerance.

By combining traditional wisdom with modern technology, the grandmothers are helping to build a comprehensive understanding of how to protect these majestic animals and preserve the natural world for their grandchildren.

Rural elders have been trained to use tablets to collect and share crucial data on elephant movements, behaviour and interactions with people. (Photo: Jane Simmonds / goGOGOgo)

Grandmother to three Leanette Sithole (68), from Acornhoek, about 37km from the Kruger National Park’s Orpen Gate, believes sharing knowledge is the only way to overcome conservation challenges.

“People look at us and think we are old and rural and cannot embrace technologies,” said Sithole. “However, after this training programme, we are showing others that we too can use smart devices for the benefit of our communities.

“We have been able to assist researchers with the old and traditional ways of sourcing medicinal plants from nature, [the] hunting and farming we used in the past. Over time, we have become isolated from neighbouring protected areas. However, because of this incredible team effort we can now use technology to teach our children and grandchildren how to live in harmony with animals. We can reconnect them to the world we knew.”

New ways to engage

Over the past few years, Leanette has been part of the Ndlopfu Gogo programme, in which gogos are introduced to wild elephants. Through these encounters, the Gggos immediately resonate with the responsibility that elephant matriarchs carry within their herds.

Through partnering with goGOGOgo, a unique programme named Ndlopfu iGOGO was created. Leanette was one of 14 gogos who not only received medical advice through the Tshemba Foundation, but learnt how to use technology as a gateway to empowerment, education and conservation. The iGOGO learning sessions were held at Koru Camp in Greater Kruger where immersive wildlife experiences are reinforced and remembered. The gogos are now given a new way to engage with younger generations.

“Most of us could not afford smartphones and tablets, so it was near-impossible to assist our grandchildren with homework and research projects on subjects we are not familiar with,” Sithole said.

That more than four million children in South Africa are in the care of their grandmothers highlights the critical role that these women continue to play as household matriarchs – much like the leadership style observed among elephants.

“With my tablet, I am now able to track and see where the elephants are moving that the Elephants Alive researchers have introduced us to,” Sithole said excitedly.

The smart devices they had received had opened a new channel of communication, which was rare among the elderly in the community. “Now, I am able to send important messages to other gogos by sending photos of rivers that are full. I can even video-call, which was not possible before the iGOGO technology classes.”

To most rural grandmothers, the internet has negative connotations of identities and money being stolen, and children watching pornography or learning about the destructive ways of the world. The iGOGO project targets grandmothers who are usually the internet gatekeepers in their families and liberates them to use it meaningfully.

From left: Makhegu Mathebula, Tirhela Mashabani and Bafelele Sithole apply what they learnt during the iGOGO training session at Koru Camp in the Kruger National Park. (Photo: Jane Simmonds / goGOGOgo)

“For me, the beauty of a gogo leading a South African family and the synergy with the elephants’ matriarch leading and protecting the elephant family was a beautiful extension of an elephant example from nature and how we can all learn from this. The wise gogos need to keep interacting with the wise matriarchs in elephant society to bring about change,” said Michelle Henley of Elephants Alive, a local NGO with the mission to support elephant survival and the harmonious coexistence between elephants and humans.

Jane Simmonds, founder of goGOGOgo, said: “Grandmothers are the most marginalised and vulnerable population in South Africa, especially poorer and rural gogos, but they have the ability to change and embrace change,” said Simmonds.

She said the donated tablets were assets to households because they were mainly used for education for the entire family. This does, however, highlight the need for funding for data to keep the gogos connected.

“Data should be a human right now. It controls your access to learning, jobs, varsity, grants, banking and everything. This was our first rural intervention and I thought it would be challenging for a rural community to be swiping and engaging with the technology, but the gogos took to it like ducks to water.”

Elephants Alive and goGOGOgo make the point that these valuable synergies will be perpetuated across generations, just like knowledge is carried over between elephant generations. Mukurukuru Media/DM168

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:30 am
by Lisbeth
Draft Cape Peninsula Baboon Strategic Management Plan slammed by activists as public comments deadline looms

As the deadline for public comments on the draft Baboon Strategic Management Plan looms, activists and community members are questioning the effectiveness and constitutionality of the plan. (Photo: Gallo Images / Bateleur Publishing/ Mark Skinner)

By Tamsin Metelerkamp | 30 Mar 2023

The ever-growing urban sprawl has brought humans and primates into greater contact over the years. The draft plan could define a new era of baboon conservation, but local stakeholders have raised concerns about its efficacy and constitutionality ahead of Friday’s deadline for public comments.
The stated objective of the draft Cape Peninsula Baboon Strategic Management Plan, issued for public comment in January, is the “sustainable management of the baboon population of the Cape Peninsula”. However, community members and activists have called the plan’s efficacy — and even constitutionality — into question ahead of the deadline for comments on Friday, 31 March.

The plan was produced by the Cape Peninsula Baboon Management Joint Task Team, comprising representatives from the three spheres of government: SANParks (national government); CapeNature (Western Cape provincial government); and the City of Cape Town (local government).

According to the joint task team, there are currently about 630 baboons in approximately 16 troops on the Cape Peninsula, stretching from the Cape of Good Hope section of the Table Mountain National Park to Constantia.

Cape Peninsula Baboon Strategic Management Plan (BSMP)2023/24 to 2033/34

“The draft plan proposes a new sustainable approach with the three authorities… leading and supporting the implementation of the plan. The draft plan is the result of the collective effort of the Joint Task Team and is informed… by research, international best practice and operational experience,” said Dr Luthando Dziba, spokesperson of the task team.

He added that the plan was also informed by input from stakeholders at a roundtable event hosted by Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy, on 7 June 2022.

However, the Cape Peninsula Civil Conservation (CPCC) group, a nonprofit, claims that procedural processes were “flaunted” during the development of the plan, rendering it “procedurally unfair and therefore unconstitutional”. A key concern of the organisation is that there is no signed memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the parties involved in the joint task team.

“The non-existence of a MOA is a critical oversight, in that there is no clarity amongst the three spheres of government [with regards to] inter alia matters involving policy, legislative issues, resources, funding and budget, capacity, etcetera,” stated the CPCC. “Without the MOA in place, the work done by the [joint task team] would somehow have to be ratified retrospectively.

The CPCC further stated that the public participation process for the draft plan lacked “real engagement”, as meetings for stakeholders held during work hours or online were inaccessible to working and under-resourced members of the public.

Lynda Silk, chairperson of the nonprofit, said that the plan did not “represent the voices of the communities”. She added that while the CPCC took issue with certain aspects of the plan itself, its primary concern was the manner in which the plan was developed.

“We have the right to demand processes which are lawful, transparent and accountable,” she said.

The CPCC claims the process of developing the plan was not transparent, with the joint task team failing to make the minutes of their meetings about it accessible to the public.

“With the increased urban sprawl… there will be future need in biodiversity issues for similar joint task teams to address specific issues which will arise. We envision that this process will form the blueprint for future biodiversity issues to follow suit, and therefore it is especially crucial that the correct framework is created now,” stated the CPCC.

A cyclist watches baboons close to Cape Point, Cape Town. (Photo: Gallo Images/Sunday Times/Marianne Schwankhart)

The organisation’s demands, among others, are that:
  • The joint task team makes the MOA public, and that the MOA be signed in order to “legitimise their actions”;
  • The draft strategic management plan be voided;
  • The joint task team goes “back to the drawing board” and drafts a strategy document in consultation with the stakeholders and the public; and
  • A management plan be drafted based on the strategy document, also in consultation with the stakeholders and the public.
The CPCC has written to both Geordin Hill-Lewis, Cape Town mayor, and Barbara Creecy, minister of environment, forestry and fisheries, about their concerns. Receipt of the letters has been acknowledged, but no response has been provided as yet.

Dziba said that comments received between 27 January and 31 March would be used to further complement and refine the draft plan. He noted that the joint task team hosted a public information day in Tokai, Cape Town, on 3 March that was “very well attended” and allowed for the submission of proposals.

“We encourage the CPCC, like all other stakeholders and interest groups, to make use of this commenting period to submit their comments, and more importantly, to also make proposals and suggestions on how to improve what they feel is lacking in the current draft,” he said. “We encourage and welcome detailed proposals, as the [joint task team] is very well aware that we do not have all of the answers and that we want as many people as possible to participate in this collaboration.

“As for the MOA, it is anticipated that this document will be signed by all three parties before the draft Baboon Strategic Management Plan is finalised.”

An effective transition?

David Gaynor, a local primatologist, raised the concern that the draft strategic management plan lacked actionable elements.

“I think the action plan is just a summary of people’s ideas, but for a plan, there’s got to be action and commitment. And I don’t see any actions or commitments, so I’m not sure whether anything will come out of it,” he said.

The plan states the joint task team’s intention to achieve the following outcomes:
  • “A wild baboon population is sustainably managed and conserved on the Cape Peninsula;
  • “Authorities at national, provincial and local level provide for regulatory requirements and the promotion of compliance and law enforcement;
  • “Stakeholder engagement and partnerships enable local solutions and action to encourage baboons to remain in natural areas and reduce human-baboon conflict;
  • “Effective waste management in the natural, rural and urban areas ensures that baboons are unable to access human-derived foods;
  • “Stakeholder communication, education and awareness on all aspects of baboon management for residents, businesses and tourists enable the conservation and well-being of baboons and the mitigation of human-baboon conflict;
  • “Infrastructure and services are designed and operated to minimise impacts on baboons; and
  • “Adaptive management of the baboon population is informed by continuous monitoring, evaluation, scientific research and stakeholder feedback.”
Speaking to Maverick Citizen at the stakeholder engagement meeting on 3 March, Dziba said, “If you look at the plan, especially the implementation component where we’ve actually articulated the activities, the institutions that are responsible and the timelines, basically the expectation is that once the plan is signed, the institutions will take responsibility for the areas they’re supposed to lead.

“I can’t comment specifically on the funding upfront… What is going to be, eventually, in the final plan is something that we’re still finalising… but I think what is critical is that if we take this very collaborative approach to working going forward, then one would expect that there should be commitment to put our skin in the game, all of us as the different agencies, including working together to mobilise resources to actually implement these [objectives].”

The current programme for managing baboons, known as the Urban Baboon Programme, is run by NCC Environmental Services, a service provider appointed by the City of Cape Town. The programme, which includes the use of rangers to monitor baboons and keep them out of urban areas, is due to come to an end on 30 June.

A key concern of stakeholders is that there is no definite transition plan in place to bridge the gap between the end of the Urban Baboon Programme and the effective implementation of the draft Baboon Strategic Management Plan, according to Lorraine Holloway, founder of Baboons of the South.

“I believe it’s essential that the [NCC] contract is extended from 1 July because we’re nowhere near the finalisation of a long-term baboon management plan,” she said, emphasising the need to continue reducing attractants, implementing bylaws and spreading education about baboons during the transition between plans.

Gaynor warned that an abrupt halt to the ranger programme for baboon monitoring would result in baboons entering residential areas more frequently, and more baboons being killed.

Mother and baby from the Waterfall baboon troop, Simon’s Town. (Photo: Joyrene Kramer)

“Baboon activists will take the city to court, but in the meantime, the whole system has totally collapsed and baboons have been killed, and it’s going to be more difficult and more costly [to address],” he said. “I think the important thing is that the bridging solution has to come quite soon.”

Human violence against baboons has been at the forefront of stakeholder discourse in recent months. In the space of a week at the end of February, two adult male baboons needed to be put down by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA. Both had suffered numerous pellet gun wounds, and one had been blinded by a pepper round fired into his face at close range.

Chief inspector of the SPCA, Jaco Pieterse, said that a transition plan was important as the safety of both baboons and local residents should be prioritised. He declined to comment on the contents of the draft strategic management plan while the SPCA’s review of the plan was being finalised, but stated that the organisation was not engaged during the development of the plan.

In the draft plan, it is stated that 54.2% of all baboon deaths were human-induced in 2022. By contrast, the percentage of human-induced baboon deaths was reduced to 14% between 2013 and 2019, “while the full set of aversion methods and tools were being implemented by the authorities”.

Dziba told Maverick Citizen that the City of Cape Town was looking into a transition plan for baboon management, but that this plan required a formal procurement process.

“There is a recognition that… the current programme cannot end abruptly, because by the time June comes — which is basically about the time when the [draft] plan would have just been approved — most of the items that we have to implement in the plan would not be ready for implementation,” he said. DM/MC

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 1:16 pm
by Lisbeth
North West residents feast on elephants that escaped from game farm

By Tshepiso Motloung - 02.05.2023

Two elephants were killed in Lekubung after they damaged property.
Jonathan Denga

  • Two elephants that escaped from the Lekubu Game Farm were shot dead by provincial officials on Tuesday.
  • The community of Lekubung reported that the elephants were damaging their properties.
  • The elephants left the game farm through a broken fence.

Residents of Lekubung in Zeerust, North West, feasted on two elephants killed by provincial authorities on Tuesday.

The elephants had escaped from a game farm.

In a video taken at the scene where the elephants were killed, people could be seen skinning the animals.

As they cut the meat and removed the skin from the elephant, multiple voices can be heard in the background, saying: "Go, take a piece."

Jonathan Denga, the director of biodiversity management and conservation in the North West Department of Economic Development, Environment Conservation and Tourism, said the elephants had, since 27 April, regularly left the game farm through a broken fence.

Community members were concerned for their safety, and said the elephants ruined their property.

Denga said residents threatened to strike and close the roads because the issue was not being addressed.

"Community members said they didn't feel safe. And we had to do something about it. The elephants would normally target a blue container that wasn't too far from the farm because they thought it was a toy," he said.

Denga said residents alerted them on Tuesday that the elephants were back.

"Yesterday, late morning, our two employees shot two elephants in a bush between the community of Lekubung and the game reserve. It was a controlled shooting," said Denga.

Denga said claims that the community had illegally poached the elephants were incorrect.

"We told the community they could extract the elephant meat, but leave the skull and tusks. They were not butchering the elephants, they were permitted to take the meat," said Denga.

Denga said poaching affected the area and, because the fencing around the game reserve was made of copper, it was stolen by people, which left gaps for the elephants to exit.

Denga said plans were under way to fix the game farm fencing to ensure the elephants were safe.

"We are trying to find a home for the elephants because they are unsafe here. We want to protect them from poaching," he said.

He added that the control of damage-causing animals, including elephants, was managed by national legislation.

Re: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 5:55 pm
by Richprins
Seems fine. \O