Re: Addo Outings
Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:14 pm
Hoping that it will not rain
Go wild for Wildlife and help to keep our Conservation Areas pure, natural and green.
Haha... we kind of live on the doorstep being only 30mins away. No idea what our plans our next year yet (although I've got vague thoughts of a road trip up to Etosha at some point)... if we're around then I'll book in the campsite at the main campMel wrote:Can I book you some accommodation for Easter next year?
Lis I think a trip to Addo needs to be planned... it's a great place for spotting these amazing catsLisbeth wrote:You sure are lucky with the caracals and I am so It's one of the animals on the top of my wishing list.
You managed a beautiful photo of the first one. Seeing two is not even fair
Mel wrote:6 nights Addo and 4 nights Mountain Zebra
Hmm.... this year has been wet... perhaps not so much next year.Mel wrote:Ja, and in March it happens to be cloudy like... what?... half of the month?