To our joy even a squacco heron landed soon after we had arrived, a water bird who is not a regular sighting for us.
From time to time we looked up into the dead tree and the yellow billed kites stayed the whole time there we spent in the hide. It must have been in fact extreme hot in the sun.
It was also nice to notice an African jacana with at least one chick although it could have been more but they are always so very well camouflaged.
The most interesting sighting for us were the breeding weavers as we often saw them so far refurbishing their nests during our trips but we rarely saw them breeding so far so the chriping was quite loud whenever the different parents arrived with quite a nice variety of treats.
Sometimes whenever the little ones had been fed the parents simply needed a rest before the search for food could again
some presented something green and hairy
and we also had the pleasure in photographing the hippos in the distance
as well as the squacco as same stayed quite a long time around.
For sure we had such a fun in watching as well as photographing the weavers as they nearly collected everything
most of the time something green and thick.
After a while even a malachite kingfisher was willing to appear but same was really not easy to spot in the dry bush
but as patience will be rewarded same finally even landed closer and stayed long enough for a couple of shots.