Thanks everybody for your comments.
We gladly paid our R60.00 - R20.00 per person as pensioners and R20.00 for the car in order to have the privilege of driving through the park to get home.
A nice shot of some zebra drinking at Tilodi Dam.
A Natal Ficus seen on Tilodi Loop. These trees fascinate us they way they grow around rocks. I have a couple in bonsai format.
Giraffe at Mankwe Dam from the Tlhware Loop side. One day is one day that I will see the resident leopard on this loop.
A busy scene on Hippo Loop. Egyptian geese, Spoonbill stork, impala, springbuck, baboon and wildebeest.
Two baboons in a reflective mood.
Hippo Loop was very busy. Just around the corner we came across this multiple scene.
We popped in at Pilanesberg Centre for a last breakfast.
Monkey drinking.
After breakfast we drove straight down Kubu Drive to exit at Bakubung Gate.
This is all we saw somewhere along the way and makes the final photo of this trip.
Our sincere thanks to everybody for staying on board for the whole journey right from the beginning on 23 September 2013. It was quite an exceptional time for everybody and Joan and I wish to thank:
Penga & Mma
Amoli & Jacques
Tshukudu, Cheteera & Family
Sprocky & J-Lee
BluTuna & SO
Flutterby, Bush Brat & Mommo
Pete & Margie
for all their hospitality and friendship shown to us.
Please forgive me if I left someone out.
We just have to do this meet again.
Maybe some other mites will give up Kruger in October 2014 and come up here.
Until then, to you and to you and especially to you stay safe.