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Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:25 am
by Bushcraft
This is a difficult one as I feel one needs SA comparatives.

I’m a manager and an electronic engineer but earn a quarter of those annual salaries, however can’t comment on whether they are acceptable as I don’t know the going rate for this industry, but the link below will give comparatives ... ica/Salary

I never went into this area 20 years ago because it was done for love, not to make money. How thing have changed O**

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:51 pm
by Richprins
Revealing, BC, and more or less what the strikes were about in Kruger a while ago...

If the "Magnificent Seven" do their jobs correctly, and don't allow millions of rands in "stock" to disappear (Rhino), then fine. But it's not happening.

Also, SANParks is a parastatal organisation, theoretically similar to Eskom, SABC, SAA and what not, where the Board decides upon remuneration packages.

.gov departments have to abide by certain guidelines regarding packages, including Parliament, but parastatals have more leeway, it seems? -O-

The point is, sometimes SP brand themselves as a company, sometimes a poor parastatal, sometimes they demand bailouts from .gov after floods etc, sometimes they accept local and foreign donations worth millions, sometimes they spend massive amounts of cash on community projects that should be funded by Departments, sometimes...

Well, you get the picture!

And it is a grey area, which is why they are being investigated by the NPA! :-)

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:39 pm
by Bushcraft
This is about salary justification and if the big seven, as you call it RP, are doing enough to justify those salaries I don’t have an issue, but.........with the current functionality issues and poaching in mind, I feel they are lucky to even have jobs -O-

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:44 pm
by Richprins
It's a grey area! They have differing portfolios, and theoretically the Boss should be replaced, as we asked for a while ago, to send a good message to the others?

A difficult and long discussion! ;-)

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:42 pm
by Richprins

SKUKUZA – The office of the Auditor General (AG) yesterday presented a trophy to the South African National Parks (SANParks) for having a clean audit for the financial year 2012/ 13.

This is a second successive clean audit for the organisation, following on the 2011/12 financial report. Prior to that, the organisation has had 18 unqualified audits under various CEOs.

The current chief, Dr David Mabunda, has had the lion’s share, with nine unqualified reports and two clean audits to his credit.

His predecessors, Mr Mavuso Msimang and Dr GAR Robinson received seven and two during their terms since the dawn of democracy. A clean audit means the organisation has presented fairly in all material aspects.

This is in accordance with the South African Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) and the requirements of the Public Management Act of South Africa 1999 (Act No 1 0f 1999) PFMA.

Ms Corne Myburgh, business executive at the AG’s office, congratulated Mabunda and his team saying, “This is the second time we are recognising your organisation for this great achievement, and we would like to encourage you and the team to build on the current controls, keep up the culture of compliance and governance. Pass our congratulations on to your audit committee too, and continue doing us proud.”

Mabunda responded by thanking the office of the AG and giving a promise that controls which were in place would be maintained and improved upon where necessary. “Twenty years ago, this organisation’s budget was at R164 million and today we have a budget of R1,2 billion, that comes with a lot of responsibility. We are cognisant of the fact that we are custodians of the country’s natural heritage and we need to be smarter in carrying out our mandate with the meagre resources we have at hand,” said Mabunda.

Chairman of the board of SANParks, Mr Kuseni Dlamini, said the board was committed to ensuring that is continued to give the necessary support to management to maintain this record and that it took its fiduciary responsibilities very seriously.

“Our country has a lot of other pressing challenges that require resources like the provision of clean drinking water, primary health services and many other important issues. We are committed to ensuring that we do much with the little we have. Money is a finite product and there is not much to go around especially when it comes to conservation. We are committed to raising a large part of our budgetary needs and continuing to be frugal and strict when it comes to finances,” added Mabunda.

The Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Ms Edna Molewa, also extended her congratulations to SANParks. She said, “We are very proud of these achievements of SANParks. As we celebrate 20 years of freedom, it is apparent that our natural heritage is in safe hands. The diligence with which SANParks looks after its finances, should be a lesson and an example to other institutions. Working together we can achieve so much more,” she concluded

For foreign viewers, it may seem strange that a parastatal issues a statement bragging that it has not been found to be corrupt financially, but that is quite an achievement down here! :-0

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:54 pm
by Mel
It's becoming an achievement everywhere in modern world, methinks. :twisted:

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:53 pm
by Lisbeth
Nobody in this part of the woods takes it for part of the normal administration though. It is the exception not the rule :twisted:

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:49 pm
by Richprins
Revisiting old and new tenders/ budgets here: ... 2-2014.pdf

One can have a field day with this...tourist money blown away:

Appointment of a suitable supplier(s) : Supply and
delivery of Tilting Arbor Saws and Thicknessers to Eco-
Furniture factories for Groenkloof National Park

Almost Two million rand?

Appointment of a suitable supplier(s) : Supply and
delivery of Automatic and Manual laminating wheels
to Eco-Furniture factories

Another Million! Same company.

Supply and delivery of steel frames for primary and
secondary school desks, Eco-furniture programme

R18 million?

What do our dollars have to do with that? 0-

Appointment of a suitable supplier(s) for alteration of
DIP camp building and construction of new health SPA
at Skukuza rest camp in the Kruger National Park.

R3.5 Million, in 2012...the Hotel is not even being built yet! 0-

I really don't know how SP can brag with a clean audit from the NA... 0:

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:59 pm
by Toko

Quite some amounts going to the social investment programmes!

Thanks, Richprins O0

Re: SanParks' Financial Statements

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:03 pm
by Lisbeth
:-? -O-