Thanks to your dad another picture of Phelwane has been discovered !!
There are just a few of him and for some I am not allowed to put on my website, but I could ID him by using these.
the other one is not Mandhevhu, even taking into account that the picture was made in the 80-ties.... tusks (thickness) do not match en left earmark on picture not with mandhevhu.
Please ask your dad to send them to me by mail, or you .... with right name for to add phelwane's picture to the website .
I will have a look at the other one to see if I can do someting with Id ing
Flutterby wrote:My dad was going through old pics and found these two. They were taken in the early 80s.
This one was in the Phelwana Spruit on the H7, and my dad said someone told him it was Phelwane. Unfortunately his tusk is hidden behind the reeds.
I'm not sure where this one was seen. Looks a bit like Mandhevhu?