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Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:01 pm
by nan
same for me... all sorts of TT are O/\

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:39 pm
by Moggiedog
Thank you for sticking around. - and for the comments. ;-) If other people stay with a trip through the good, bad, boring and ugly gives the writer motivation to continue

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:04 am
by giraffee
Love your report. We've never been down this road. Its all wonderful and a great read! ^Q^

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:04 pm
by Moggiedog
Having taken a slow drive - meant late lunch - meant late arrival. It did not take long to get our permits. Thankfully being a transfrontier park we did not have to produce car papers or passports - if we had it would have been a problem as only one of us had a passport - the car papers and second passport had been forgotten. We had had them e-mailed but who knows if they would have been accepted from our phones. The other advantage there is no Botswana road taxes to pay, the car doesn't get inspected and restricted food is not confiscated and your alcohol quantities not checked. Obviously if we had been going out of the park on the Botswana side we would have had to do a full clearance.


If you have been to the Kgalagadi you know it is a very short hop to Twee Rivieren Camp - and once we had found a camp far from the madding crowd it was soon set up and ready for occupation.


Time to grab a quick sun downer and into the car for the obligatory first drive in the park. It had turned bitterly cold and an icy wind was blowing so we counted ourselves fortunate to see as much general game and birds as we did.

I did manage to get a selfie

When we got to camp we did have a small problem - there was an overwhelming smell of sewage! With much laughter we got the fire burning brightly as we were sure we would be sent into orbit by a methane gas explosion every time we lit a match - but we decided as long as our camera and tent went with us we could live with it. At least then - for once in my life - I could look down on others.

A light supper and a few drinks round the fire and it was time for bed. needless to say the smell wafted around and when it was trapped in the tent the muffled giggles started as we blamed each other for the eau de toilette although that is an understatement 'cause at times is was over whelming.

Tucked up as snug as bugs in rugs it didn't take long for us to be in dreamland.

I woke up in the early hours of the morning and knew I had had too much liquid before going to bed - if I didn't go for a wee walk I would have a problem. Deciding to be civilized I braved the cold and headed towards the loos instead of just grabbing a pee pot. As it was almost a full moon visibility was good so there was no need for any form of illuminating device to light my way. Did I regret my decision - when I walked out it had become so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. Not a single fire flickered, not a single glimmer of light any where in the camp. A heavy cloud cover had hidden the moon and not even a star was visible. Head up and into the dark unknown - before I realized it I was being grabbed around my legs by gnarly branches and twigs. I had overshot the tent by a good few meters and had landed in the bushes. Eventually, after much cursing and mutterings, I was bag in my warm bed.

Once thing I do know - the next time I go I will book in at Two Rivers on the Botswana side rather than Twee Rivieren

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:18 pm
by nan
or drink a little bit less during the evening, when it's cold lol

nice start \O ^Q^

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:20 pm
by Lisbeth
Never heard about torches? They do not avoid the consequences of too much liquid, but at least you do not get lost on your way O** lol

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:43 pm
by Toko
First night survived, well done!

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:34 pm
by Mel
What'll be the difference booking in at Two Rivers instead of Twee Rivieren?

I'm sure that walk to the loos was anything but scary at the time, but you make it sound like an adventure. Tough luck, being such a good narrator. lol

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:50 pm
by Moggiedog
Mel - two rivers is more basic and has less people staying it is also unfenced like all the camps on the Botswana side

Toko - we lived to see another day - and hadn't encountered a single cat - only toxic fumes

Lisbet - torches - what are those :-0 Much more fun and exciting to see how quickly you can get lost in the dark

Nan - never mind when it's cold - this trip was full of awkward moments..............

Giraffee - make a plan and get your bookings done - I know with the Kgalagadi you either love it or hate it - I just wish it wasn't so far away as I love it (specially Botswana side)

Re: Done and Dusted

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:08 pm
by Mel
And where is the access to Two Rivers?

Sorry, for asking so many questions, but even with 10+ visits to the KTP I really have no clue about it. :o0ps: