Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by All-Nature »

Flutterby wrote:Love the sunbirds and the mouse is kinda cute! \O
We had lovely sunshine weather yet there was a lack of bird life :-(
Mostly those around camp, where those being fed O/ 0*\

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by All-Nature »

Mel wrote:Awww, that dabchick is so cute! 0/0
And I'm still waiting for my Srtelitzia plant to grow its first flower... green is all I get from it :O^
Agree Mel the Dabchicks are super cute \O
Hope you have joy with your plant :yes: We can't even get an Impala Lily to grow here!! 0*\

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by All-Nature »

Mel wrote:Not going to be happening, you are trying to tell me, nan? O-/
Oh well, it's only got until the end of this summer... :twisted: I told it so ^0^
=O: =O:

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by All-Nature »

Guinea Fowl foraging for something to eat


Dandilion seeds, the next day there were no seeds left all blown away 0-


They have a fantastic caravan and camping area, with ample space and big stands with lots of shade.
I think in season it can get pretty busy, although in the summer being so close to the river the mozzies may be a problem O-/


Aaaaah to be lazy and just soak up the sun, pure heaven! ;-)


One can hire canoes and go on the river right the way up the Breede River. :yes:
We once again did not do it, certain people were convinced that they would have to do all the work and mwha would just want to take photos. :shock:


Some views of the area in the camp, we spotted a Malachite Kingfisher in the reeds, but sadly just could not get a photo, he/she was just too quick 0*\


Yellow Billed ducks -O-




Not sure if this is perhaps a Geometrine Emerald Moth :-?


Cormorant on the deck


Knysna Lourie lol Hope you can spot it ;-)
All I got is some proof :yes:


Little Egret I think -O- with missing feet! ;-)


We thought this was first class ..0..
Good on you Sedgefield!! O/\


Sacred Ibis


We even spotted a Tortoise, no idea what species though lol =O:


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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by Lisbeth »

The tortoise is a mosaicus caecus testudo :yes:

When we were there, we did the walk along the river and did not see one single bird 0*\

You were lucky to catch a Knysna Lourie; they are always deep in the bushes and moving around all the time.

It is impossible to make out head and feet in that duck heap lol

We used the raft in order to cross the river O/\ O/\

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by Flutterby »

Great sighting of the lourie! ^Q^ Love the dog sign and the tortoise! =O:

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by Richprins »

Interesting the tree variety there, AN...wonder if planted for shade, some really shady ones! \O

And loerie and malachite! X#X

Looks very nice may fall asleep every now and then. lol

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by Mel »

The sign - =O: =O: =O:

Otherwise it looks like a really serene place. The ducks look very relaxed and
it seems like time is standing still kind of in your photos. Love it :yes:

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by nan »

super idea that one for the dogs \O =O:
love too the crochet's Tortoise lol

like Yellow-billed Duck and those sleeping on the grass O:V

got also a Lourie... but no proof for me :no: , so well done to yours \O

^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

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Re: Lake, Sea, Rivers and Forests

Post by All-Nature »

Lisbeth wrote:The tortoise is a mosaicus caecus testudo :yes:

When we were there, we did the walk along the river and did not see one single bird 0*\

You were lucky to catch a Knysna Lourie; they are always deep in the bushes and moving around all the time.

It is impossible to make out head and feet in that duck heap lol

We used the raft in order to cross the river O/\ O/\
=O: =O: mosaicus caecus testudo O-/

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