Re: Ellie's galore and more!
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:07 am
All-Nature wrote: Maybe with the 'correct name' of the bustard - you have seen it
Go wild for Wildlife and help to keep our Conservation Areas pure, natural and green.
All-Nature wrote: Maybe with the 'correct name' of the bustard - you have seen it
PJL also for idPJL wrote:Great sightings AN
Seeing a bushbuck in the open like that is a real treat for Addo
They normally just run away on sight
And you did very well to get those 2 male lions by Arizona. They seem to be hanging out in that area quite a bit lately
In the photos where you have the 2 together, Nomad is the one walking above Roy
BC for your commentsBushcraft wrote:Great dassie find in the gardens of your accommodation
Fantastic start sighting wise and brilliant pics