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Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:18 pm
by nan
great start O/\

evening/sunset drives are for me the way to see nocturnal wildlife... and I saw a lot like that O/\

thank you ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:31 pm
by Lisbeth
BTW giraffes have spots O** lol

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:36 am
by Flutterby
Lovely start Ratel! \O I'm enjoying your narration and looking forward to more. 0()

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:42 pm
by Pumbaa
Great start so far, Ratel,

I am ready for more 0()

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:00 am
by Ratel
Lisbeth wrote:Welcome to the Kruger National Park \O

You have caught the giraffes in a beautiful light ^Q^ ^Q^

Personally I have never been a fan of evening/night drives, but I know that many people are very enthusiastic about them -O- ;-)
Lisbeth wrote:BTW giraffes have spots O** lol
Thanks Lisbeth! 0/* Spots found - mission accomplished! =O: =O:

Towards then end of our trip we were wondering what others thought of the night drives we went on. We appreciated them because we got to see species we otherwise wouldn't be able to, but many of them were small and distant so not great sightings for most visitors (particularly those without binoculars)? -O-
Richprins wrote:Orpen is nice in the evening because you approach Satara with the magical sunset light from behind, so the perfect way to approach camp! ;-)
Couldn't agree more RP! Just wish we had another hour to stop more for photos.
nan wrote:evening/sunset drives are for me the way to see nocturnal wildlife... and I saw a lot like that O/\
I agree Nan \O Many of the smaller mammals in particular cannot be seen on daytime drives.

Thanks also Flutterby and Pumbaa for your nice words. \O And at Pumbaa's request I will shortly start on our next game drive (at least the first 3km of it)!

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:26 pm
by Ratel
Monday 22nd August - Satara

AM drive: H1-4 - S90 - S41 - H6 - H1-3

A check of the sightings board the previous evening indicated that most of the cat sightings had been to the north and east of camp, while the H1-3, H6, S100 and N'semani Dam areas had been relatively quiet. Our decision for the morning drive was therefore to head north on the H1-4, cut across on the S90, then turn south down the S41. We would decide whether to take the S100 or H6 back to camp later. This plan was perfect as I also had a little surprise up my sleeve for Lyca about 3km north of camp. ;-)

As was the norm this trip I took the wheel for the first drive of the day. We arrived at the gate just as it was opened and were only second in line of the cars heading north. Not far from camp I spotted a bird on the side of the road and stopped suddenly: Our first Double-banded Sandgrouse! This scored me some major points with Lyca, who is a very keen birder.
I soon moved on and before long we saw movement in the grass on the left side of the road... HYENA DEN!!! O\/
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The sun wasn't up yet and two of the Hyena cubs were happily playing under the watchful eye of their babysitter while a third cub suckled from another female.

The older cub went exploring and promptly found a stick. Lyca's camera was ready to capture all the action as first the "little blackie" and then the babysitter joined in the game.
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"Awww. That was my stick"
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As the sun rose we made sure to capture the suckling pair in beautiful light, admiring the impressive ears Scallywags have! lol
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A long-legged streaker then strode onto the pitch, momentarily interrupting proceedings. =O:
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Beaming from ear to ear we bid farewell to the Hyenas and moved on, promising to visit again soon. 0/*

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:49 pm
by Flutterby
I just love hyenas and you got some great pics! ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:16 pm
by Lisbeth
The bigger cub was still in the cutie categoria, but not for long :twisted:

Lovely unusual pics of the hyenas ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 5:31 pm
by Richprins
Nice there the difference in pics in the shade of the car, and then the sun! ;-) :yes:

Spots on every single animal this morning! =O:

Ja...they don't stay cute for long...

This is also interesting: The down-ear position of the cub as the bigger one interferes! :shock:


Good pics, Ratel! X#X

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:33 pm
by nan
Hyena den and little ones... love them O/\ O/\ O/\

nic pictures ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^