Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by okie »

We have 350 days of sunshine and everything to be positive about .
There is nothing we can do to get rid of all the people . Crime is rising all over the world , even in Switzerland , so how about us leaving this matter for now :O^

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by nan »

okie wrote: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:09 pm We have 350 days of sunshine and everything to be positive about .
There is nothing we can do to get rid of all the people . Crime is rising all over the world , even in Switzerland , so how about us leaving this matter for now :O^
\O all over the world... alas

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by ExFmem »

Okie, I find your fervent defense of your country admirable and I have great respect for that sentiment.

Please note, I included IN ALL CAPS my mention of crime and corruption in the USA. That is also why my SO and I DON'T choose to vacation in certain areas here, but have PREFERRED South Africa for years and years. When our family and friends have asked, MANY TIMES, "Do you feel safe there?", we emphatically have stated that we feel MORE SAFE in South Africa, as a matter of fact.

However, all countries have periods when internal strife waxes or wanes, when uprisings and crime are at a peak or trough, periods of turmoil as well as calm. That is why I think it prudent to assess, from time to time, the current status of any particular country's growing pains, which include periods of discontent and civil unrest, as well as an opportunistic increase in crime.

My only point was to reiterate what RP was pointing out in the article, and that the topic addressed, that some foreigners have begun to pause and re-examine the direction the country is headed. I was honest in saying that we have, in fact, discussed this. That is all.

Your heartfelt defense of your beautiful country is heartwarming, and I salute your loyalty. I feel the exact same way about the USA, warts and all.
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She's still beautiful in my eyes, as is South Africa.

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by Richprins »

Ex! 0/0

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by H. erectus »

Good Golly Ex on the soapbox,..tread carefully dear,
quality has declined somewhat in years passing!!!

Soap boxes norttt,,.. --00-- --00-- --00--

Heh,.. H.e
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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by Richprins »

According to Joseph Mabuza, spokesman for the Department of Safety, Security and Liaison, the community members were protesting due to non-availability of water.
“MEC Pat Ngomane visited the community members with the provincial commissioner and called municipality officials to join them and Rand Water ascertained the extent of the problem. It was found that some water pipes were leaking due to illegal connections hence some villages’ taps ran dry,” Mabuza said.
He added that besides the water issues, some community members were accused of robbery, and were brought to book.

After the protesters had dispersed, the City of Mbombela launched a clean-up and next week, Ngomane has arranged a meeting with local stakeholders to ensure that stability is brought to the area.

The KLCBT, who applaud the stake-holders that assisted in bringing calm to the situation, said that Mpumalanga Department of Economic Development vowed to start a media campaign to inform the communities adjacent to the park on the correct ways to voice their anger.
“This will hopefully discourage them from taking to the streets and causing havoc among tourists,” said Grimbeek.

“Our biggest challenge is determining issues prior to community members taking to the streets. We are therefore, grateful towards the department, and we are sure that it might be a solution,” she added.

Stakeholders will also meet with youth organisations to spread the message that protest action also negatively affects their own community. “Most people working in those areas are also dependent, which ultimately results in a lose-lose situation.”
The KLCBT suggests that communication is the the solution. “The community should be given platforms where they can talk about their problems. And when they do so, the government should listen and help them find a solution, instead of waiting for the issues to blow over,” said Grimbeek.
She added that the police should act earlier when signs of protests arise, instead of waiting for the situation to get out of hand. ... ism-knees/

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by Lisbeth »

=O: =O: =O:

Sounds like a joke 0*\

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by Richprins »

Not a joke at all, Lis?

The mechanism of public violence regardless is a massive indictment, not even common in Africa! :evil:

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by Lisbeth »

I was laughing because obviously the lack of water was due to thieves among themselves and not to the department.

And yes, they should have a way/place where to complain instead of taking to the streets \O

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Re: Foreign Tourists Abandon Kruger Due to Protest Dangers on Access Roads

Post by H. erectus »

I have my reservations about all these strikes/violence going around the borders of Kruger>

Good reasoning will soon explain to one that in the years to come, man will be challenging
beast for better pastures where to roam!! It's on the cards, however in a healthy environmental
situation both the citizens and curators would quite aware of the financial responsibilities here!!

I doubt the demonstrators are ill mongered against tourists..
I doubt the curator has any concern about where their cookies come from,..

Yet somehow I do know that .gov do not realize where their golden goose has

Eastern Transvaal the perfect example of balance in life and benefits derived therefrom,..

"The bread basket"!!

Heh,.. H.e
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