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Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:39 pm
by Richprins
Thanks for all the kind comments... 0/0

(What's the point of cleaning your car when you are alone and know it's going to come back filthy? -O- 0- )

Day 1 Part 4:

I was in a positive and experimental photographic state of mind (Or concussed and suffering from heatstroke...either way...) and surreptitiously took this pic of this massive diamond-like vehicle following me around, using my rear-view mirror! Probably some sort of hit squad, but I skillfully evaded them! ;-)


And then the glory of a summer's day in the bush sunk in, and I chanced my arm at a scenic shot:


To be met with this little family under normal unenhanced light conditions at James' Windmill:


Warthog mother: "Stand still, kids...I don't know this vehicle but something seems fishy... :evil: "

Piglet: "Something smells like hops?"

WM: "Yes...we've had a lot of problems with baboons escaping into the Park lately!"

Piglet: "Don't worry, mum, he seems innocent and kindlyt! Hello, Uncle baboon!"

RP: "Baaart!" (A combination of burping and something else...)

Warthogs: "Eeeekkk!"


Anyway, slightly less impressed, I continued and enjoyed the magnificent scanery along the Croc River:


And crossed the then-operational Mbyamiti "narrow water" bridge...

Only to see more animals running away from me! -O-


Major Louis: "Quick! Hathi has warned us about this possible terrorist threat! Make for the hills! I heard the "Baaart" a while ago, now I know what it signifies!....Hide yourselves!"

So I just pottered along, until reaching the approaches to Croc Bridge...sort of a new chapter to the day, and wondering which nitwit would be awaiting me there first!? :O^


Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:47 pm
by Sprocky
Richprins wrote:And crossed the then-operational Mbyamiti "narrow water" bridge...

Only to see more animals runneng away from me! -O-
I wonder why??? :twisted:

But, don't let that get in your way of the next episode!! \O

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:15 pm
by nan
poor Piglets =O: =O: =O:

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:16 pm
by Bushcraft
RP, the merc looks suspect. :shock: :shock: Are they after 007 O-/ O-/

I take it you drive a blue golf :-? I’m sure that I have seen you in the park :-?

Did you ever stop someone and ask "Do I know you?" and then drive off O** O**

Those ellies seem terrified =O: \O \O

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:24 pm
by Richprins
No, BC, my vehicle is known as the "Golden Goose".

And I don't stop people other than to direct them to sightings.

I'm sure I would have smelled you feet had we met! =O: =O: =O:

BTW, I've left two spelling mistakes in the last post...tired of editing!

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:40 pm
by Bushcraft
The Golden Goose is blue with a Volkswagen sticker =O: Are those socks or a soft toy in the back :shock:

My feet are like rubber mats, but don't stink 0'

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:50 pm
by Sprocky
=O: =O: =O:

There is an (very) elderly lady in the Phala area that also coverts the park in a gold(ish) golf, with all the toys. Now, it is not my fault that when I see a golf, a goldish one, I get concerned. O** Maybe we should arrange a meet for the gold GTi gang. X#X

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:26 pm
by Dewi
I'm sure I met her at a Lit sighting, is she the one who used to live in Kenya? What a character, we chatted for ages at the roadside. Some sense of humour she has. \O

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:29 pm
by Sprocky
Dewi wrote:I'm sure I met her at a Lit sighting, is she the one who used to live in Kenya? What a character, we chatted for ages at the roadside. Some sense of humour she has. \O
Exactly that lady Dewi. \O She is a character, RP should meet her. =O: =O: =O:

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:30 pm
by dup
Please Richprins, don't listen what the people out there say your trip report is super , please continue and your photo's, outstanding. 0() 0() 0() 0() 0() 0()