Monday 30 May 2022
It was freezing when we woke up. The tent had ice on it and the bakkie was an ice block!
It was so cold that even the gas heater wouldn’t work, which made for an unhappy couple as they frantically put on layers of clothing (Or so we thought, we later realised that the jet to the heater was blocked)
Luckily the kettle did play ball
Leaving Rooiputs, we again set off in a northerly direction, destination Kij Kij and maybe further
Our first sighting of the day was this grumpy looking PCG
We spotted a cheetah high up on the ridge just before Kij Kij, but it was too far away for a picture, and it soon disappeared into the distance
We carried on to Melkvlei and saw just about nothing, so we decided to return to Kij Kij and see if we could find anything in the dunes
We were in luck
Two cheetahs up on the dunes just before Tiervlei
They also decided that we weren’t going to get any great photos of them as they also soon disappeared from view