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Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:27 am
by Flutterby
Roger, perhaps another letter to SP regarding this topic is needed? ;-)

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:06 pm
by Richprins
Kruger National Park (KNP) is currently implementing additional gate access control systems at its entrance gates in the Southern part of the Park, which will require that as from 1 September 2017, all visitors who are 18 years old and above must produce positive identity document for scanning in order to gain access. For non-South African visitors, they must produce passports but South African driver’s licence will also be acceptable.

The new system will assist with monitoring of people’s movement who enter and exit the Park, and will ensure that information related to any persons entering the park is centrally recorded and monitored.

“The system will apply to everybody including SANParks staff members, suppliers and other residents of the Park and is expected to improve on our proactive surveillance, early warning and detection. In our quest to continue to enhance security for both wildlife and visitors, we will continue to make use of appropriate security technology”; said the KNP’s Managing Executive, Glenn Phillips.

Visitors will still be required to go through their normal check-in or check-out at the gate receptions before proceeding to the security scanning process. Training for the security personnel on the upgraded system is underway in order to minimize the possible delays as soon as the new operation kicks-in.

We request that tour operators and ground handlers communicate this requirement with their guests.

“We recognise that we have to keep a very fine balance between imposing potentially anti-tourist friendly security apparatus whilst also ensuring the protection of both Tourists and Wildlife. We request the public to be patient during these very necessary security processes,” concluded Phillips.

Issued by:
South African National Parks, Kruger National Park - Communications & Marketing Department.

William Mabasa, GM: Communications and Marketing, Kruger National Park. Contact: Tel: 013 735 4363, cell: 082 807 3919 or email:

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:09 pm
by Lisbeth
:-? They do not say why -O-

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:33 pm
by RogerFraser
O-/ SO told me about this earlier all we could say is it will now take two hours to get processed at the gates in the mornings .Seems a step backwards .If they said the new procedure would scan in ID and wild cards and save paperwork and time it would be great but now they just adding more overheads to get into the park and why only the southern gates surely if it is a security measure it needs to be done on all gates ?

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:45 pm
by Richprins
I like it, and I think it stems from suggestions at the recent stakeholders meetings. The thing is, staff and contractors and taxis have a merry old time whizzing in and out of the gates with the existing security buddies. we asked for independent record-keeping, and this may be a step in that direction, as the documents are scanned, end of story. so there can be no excuses for illegal entrants or their facilitators.

I'm not sure it will take that much longer, as it will be a separate "queue", if that makes sense?

But let's see. Make no mistake, Kruger absolutely agrees that poor staff and allied worker control is a massive problem. :yes:

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:49 pm
by Lisbeth
Everybody will have to queue. I still do not understand why -O- Imagine every taxi with 20 persons aboard 0- Why don't they just check those O**

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:11 pm
by Bushcraft
This is good as long as the staff are trained, but there has to be an improved work ethic otherwise it will turn into a painful long process and it has to be all gates surely :-?

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:36 pm
by Lisbeth
Usual messy way of doing things 0*\

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:48 am
by PennyinSA
Absolutely Bushcraft - this has to be applied consistently at all gates and there will be many wagging fingers when the first taxi going to a concession is not treated in the same manner. I have absolutely no problem with checking of identity as long as it is done efficiently and that no records of ID documents are kept for any reason. Those of us who will comply happily are in the minority I believe. The only thing I do have an issue with is the size of the reception offices at the gates and whether they are equipped and trained to carry through this exercise without causing major delays. One wonders how it will be implemented as no details have been given regarding the different type of systems employed. At some gates there are booms in operation most of the time and the visitors remain seated in their vehicles whereas at others like Paul Kruger Gate one has to go to the office. This is going to be very interesting!

Re: SANParks beefs up security at gates into KNP

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:18 pm
by Lisbeth
I am not sure that "interesting" is the right word ;-)

I still have not understood why they are doing this. Checking everybody's identity for what -O- It is not written in the passport if you are a poacher and if they have to control the police files, it will take ages checking everybody. Could someone please tell me the reason!