AW Insect Book: Butterflies, Lycaenidae, Polyommatinae
Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:22 pm
Pea Blue, Long-tailed Blue, Lucerne Blue Lampides boeticus (Lusern-bloutjie)
Family: Lycaenidae. Subfamily: Polyommatinae. Tribe: Polyommatini
© Blu'Tuna
Male. Garden in Johannesburg
Wingspan: ♂ 24–32 mm ♀ 24–34 mm. Body dark grey. Antennae finely barred black and white.
The male is violet-blue in colour above, with a narrow brown border to the outer margins of the wings; bordered on the outside edge of the wing by a whitish ciliate fringe. There are two small black spots near the anal angle of the hindwing, which subtend a white-tipped dark hair-tail.
The female is slightly larger than the male and although her forewing is still largely blue, it is lighter in hue and the hue and the grey-brown outer margin is broader than the male's. Her hindwing is brown with a blue flush basally and there is a row of faint white-edged brownish 'ocelli' on the outer margin which culminates in two white-rimmed black spots at the hair-tail. There is a row of diffuse white marks parallel to and inside the row of 'ocelli'.
Underside with distinctive white lines on a fawn ground colour. The forewing undersides of both sexes are grey-brown with an irregular series of yellowish-brown bars and whitish streaks roughly parallel to the outer margin; the hindwing has a similar pattern but there is also a broad whitish bar across the wing parallel to the outer margin. The two black ocelli at the hair-tail are margined with white on the outside and with orange on the inside.
Europe, Africa, South and Southeast Asia and Australia.
Throughout South Africa.
Flight period: Year-round with peak from Nov–Mar.
Larva feeds on a vast variety of legumes (lentils, peas, beans and vetches).
Links: Ivor Migdoll's Field Guide to the Butterflies of Southern Africa
© steamtrainfan
Garden in Pretoria
Family: Lycaenidae. Subfamily: Polyommatinae. Tribe: Polyommatini
© Blu'Tuna
Male. Garden in Johannesburg
Wingspan: ♂ 24–32 mm ♀ 24–34 mm. Body dark grey. Antennae finely barred black and white.
The male is violet-blue in colour above, with a narrow brown border to the outer margins of the wings; bordered on the outside edge of the wing by a whitish ciliate fringe. There are two small black spots near the anal angle of the hindwing, which subtend a white-tipped dark hair-tail.
The female is slightly larger than the male and although her forewing is still largely blue, it is lighter in hue and the hue and the grey-brown outer margin is broader than the male's. Her hindwing is brown with a blue flush basally and there is a row of faint white-edged brownish 'ocelli' on the outer margin which culminates in two white-rimmed black spots at the hair-tail. There is a row of diffuse white marks parallel to and inside the row of 'ocelli'.
Underside with distinctive white lines on a fawn ground colour. The forewing undersides of both sexes are grey-brown with an irregular series of yellowish-brown bars and whitish streaks roughly parallel to the outer margin; the hindwing has a similar pattern but there is also a broad whitish bar across the wing parallel to the outer margin. The two black ocelli at the hair-tail are margined with white on the outside and with orange on the inside.
Europe, Africa, South and Southeast Asia and Australia.
Throughout South Africa.
Flight period: Year-round with peak from Nov–Mar.
Larva feeds on a vast variety of legumes (lentils, peas, beans and vetches).
Links: Ivor Migdoll's Field Guide to the Butterflies of Southern Africa
© steamtrainfan
Garden in Pretoria