Then a battle of wills between Baboon and Monkey...
Monkey: "The famous Golden Goose! How fortunate I am just to be able to touch the vehicle of the legendary RP! And he has not cleaned sensible! "
Monkey: "Ooh! He's looking at me! "
Monkey: "Maybe I can touch something he's touched! (Swoon)"
Monkey: "Reeks a bit...this car...but no matter... "
A cheeky little lizard!:
Another one of the resident reptiles was there, awaiting my arrival...and already full of gossip about aat and elly! :
So I went and introduced myself to aat and elly...saw elly sunbathing semi-nude first, and aat blundering around semi nude too....a far less pleasant sight!
Finally the last of the crims arrived...he had certainly not joined the Temperance Movement since I had seen him last!
It was a very mellow experience, but so many hooligans together...
Last edited by Richprins on Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.