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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:51 pm
by GavinW
Oh my word ExFmem I can't believe that I have missed your report after seeing it when you started :o0ps:

Yo have had the most amazing sightings, some very similar to our own

Your lion silhouettes are to die for and I just love the meercat admiring his nether regions

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:53 pm
by ExFmem
Sis, Pumbaa, RP - Thank you!

Mel - I’m only gonna think positive thoughts about your return to the KTP. My best sighting of Hanri and her offspring are in this entry. They are a pretty amazing team!

GavinW - as I said in your TT, it’s both interesting and fun to compare sightings at such different times of year. Seems the Black-shouldered Kites were quite abundant already in your April/May trip - I’ve never seen so many there before this trip.

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:55 pm
by ExFmem
From TWRiv. I moved to Urikaruus for 4 nights - honeymoon cabin. As mentioned earlier, there were essentially NO insects around at night. I even hung a blanket over the back of my car (since the car shelter has lights at night), for them to land on, but zip, zilch, nada.
The day time drives were also a bit slow the first 3 days, with birds making up most of my sightings.

Gemsbok family


One morning was so cold, even this Secretary bird was hunkered down


Black-breasted Snake Eagle


Black-shouldered Kite


Giant Eagle Owl


Tawny Eagle




BUT, day four was quite exciting for me! ….

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:57 pm
by ExFmem
I started out as the only car to go south that day. After about 40 minutes or so, I spotted my beloved cheetah trio, Hanri and kidlets, high on the ledge, seemingly just waking up for the day.




They slowly began descending the rocky outcropping, ready to take on the new day.



First, a stop at ye’ ol’ drinking hole. At times they focused on searching for the ever elusive breakfast, and other times frolicking together.



I had passed a large herd of springboks earlier in the morning, and they were headed that way. About an hour plus later, the herd was sighted….

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:03 pm
by ExFmem
(Warning - some of the photos are a bit graphic)

Time to get serious.



SUCCESS! From my vantage point it appeared the kids took it down, as mom had gone after another springbok, chasing it further south. After a bit of time, she rejoined the teenagers who were resting. (Please correct if other info. is available.)

After an exhaustive chase, a much needed rest was taken to catch their breaths.


Next task, drag the heavy carcass into the shade.





Time to enjoy the meal they had worked so hard for.






I ended up spending over 3 hours with them, and left feeling the future for these 3 looks bright. Great teamwork!

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:20 am
by Richprins
What a day, Ex! ^Q^ ^Q^ X#X

Exquisite cammo on the cheetahs! O:V

I love the secretary bird too. [O]

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 12:27 pm
by Lisbeth
Fabulous pic of the secretary bird ^Q^ ^Q^

Why do predators always eat the guts first? Is it easier to get at or is it the best bite :-?

Brilliant photos and a great sighting O\/ O\/

Did you manage to see the chase?

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:02 pm
by Pumbaa
WoW ExFmem,

amazing raptor shots - That secretary one is incredible and then that cheetah sighting and shots - Simply magnificent and what luck you had \O :-0

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:18 pm
by Mel
An amazing experience! And awesome to hear that Hanri's offspring managed that kill ^Q^ But even if they appear to be adapt enough to feed themselves, Hanri still has them with her. Maybe also for her own good, seeing that she'll turn 11 soon and this might have been her last set of cubs. -O- (Although I really hope for her and Corinne to set examples by becoming the oldest known females in the park :-0 )

Btw, the cubs have been named by now: The female is Misty and the male Miles. \O

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:35 pm
by harrys
Really wonderful sightings, great that the Cheatahs made a kill, also I like the raptors and the Secretary bird ^Q^ ^Q^