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Two in one: Oryx and Springbok - 10 Points

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:55 pm
by Toko
Two in one: Oryx and Springbok O/\

Image by Toko

Image by Mel
Think it was the 14th Borehole, March 2010

Image by ExFmem

Image By Nan
30.11.2017 Dalkeith

Two in one: Black-backed Jackal and Cheetah: 20 Points

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:58 pm
by Toko
Two in one: Black-backed Jackal and Cheetah ;-)

Image by Toko
Around Rooiputs

Image by 'ExFmem
Between KTC and Dalkeith Nov. 2011

Image by nan
just before KTC, 9.3.2013

Two in one: Springbok and Wildebeest - 10 Points

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:03 pm
by Toko
Two in one: Springbok and Wildebeest O:V (with red dune!)

Image by Toko

Image by Mel
Urikaruus, March 2010

Image by nan

Image by nan
3.11.2014 - Urikaruus

Image by ExFmem
(c) Lisbeth - 2010

Image ©harrys

Two in one: Oryx and Red Hartebeest - 10 Points

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:06 pm
by Toko
Two in one: Oryx and Red Hartebeest

Image by Toko

Image by Mel
Gharagab, March 2013

by ExFmem
IMG_1762.jpg (334.4 KiB) Viewed 896 times

Two in one: Red Hartebeest and Wildebeest - 10 Points

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:08 pm
by Toko
Two in one: Red Hartebeest and Wildebeest

Image by Toko

Image by Duke

Image by Mel
Grootkolk, October 2011

Image by nan
Nossob river (Kwang ?), 24.10.2014

by ExFmem
IMG_1261_2.jpg (205.1 KiB) Viewed 896 times
by Lisbeth
Mata Mata - Nov. 2017

Three in one: Oryx, Springbok, Wildebeest - 15 Points

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:11 pm
by Toko
Three in one: Oryx, Springbok, Wildebeest O\/

Image by Toko

Image by nan
Kalahari Tented Camp 16.10.2014

by Mel
DSC_0302 (15)_00001.jpg
Grootkolk, October 2017

Image by ExFmem
24/09/2019 at Samevloeiing

Two in one: Leopard and Red Hartebeest - 25 Points

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:02 am
by Duke

Leopard O:V

(My son Rockhound took this photo - Dec 2012)

Two in one: Ground Squirrel and Springbok - 10 Points

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:45 am
by Lisbeth
Two in One: Ground Squirrel and Springbok

Image by Lisbeth

by ExFmem
IMG_8933.jpg (203.44 KiB) Viewed 896 times

Damaraland Mole Rat - 50 Points

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:57 pm
by Michele Nel
Damaraland Mole Rat
Fukomys damarensis


and it's tracks


Fukomys damarensis is a medium-sized bathyergid with a range of color morphs from black to fawn; all have a large white head-patch.

Total length 15 cm; tail 2 cm; mass 100-150 g.

This species has been recorded in westen parts of Zambia, western Zimbabwe, Botswana (it is generally widespread in except in the extreme eastern parts), central and northern Namibia (including the Caprivi Strip), and marginally into the Northern Cape of South Africa (Hotazel, Kalahari Transfrontier Park).

It is found in semi-arid thornscrub, woodland, savanna, grassland habitats associated with red Kalahari sands and sandy soils.The areas in which the species occurs generally have a low to sporadic annual rainfall of around 2-400 mm.

It is a diurnal, subterranean species that prefers to live in Kahalahri arenosols, and loose unconsolidated alluvial sands. This is a social species that lives in colonies that average around 16 animals, but may be as many as 41 individuals. There is a single breeding pair, and colonies are formed from this pair and their subsequent litters, which remain in the natal group. Colonies can produce up to four litters of one to six young a year. If the reproductive female dies, the colony disperses. The species has a generation length of three years.

Links: Wikipedia, ADW, Cryptomys damarensis - Clark Science Center (PDF)

4 in one: BBJ Brown Hyena Cheetah Springbok - 45 Points

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:19 pm
by Michele Nel
Three in one..well 4 if you count the springbok carcass.
