Day 3, 23 April 2017, Satara
We got to N'wanetsi, and Darryl (my dad's friend), and Andrea, Paul & Talia (our friends) had also just arrived. Andrea and family had come in at Croc Bridge that morning, and they then proceeded to tell us that they had seen the Big 5 before they had even got to Lower Sabie!!
Once we had finished all the greetings, we started getting breakfast together. We were cooking our breakfast - eggs, bacon, pork sausages & tomatoes - while Andrea & family were snacking on cheese, biscuits and fruit. However, even though they are Jewish, Talia couldn't resist the lure of the bacon.
Mommo, me & Andrea
Darryl & Mommo
Talia & the Brat
A loo with a view!
After enjoying our breakfast and catching up on all the gossip, we went our separate ways. We took the H6 back to camp, but nothing was stirring. Back at camp I found the Scops Owl outside the shop, but he wasn't interested in a photo shoot.
For our afternoon drive we decided to head up the H1-4, onto the S89 and back down the S90. This must rate as one of the worst drives we have ever done in Kruger, and apart from a video of the queleas, we did not take a single photo the whole afternoon!!
Driving the top half of the S90, the grass was so long it was like driving through wheatfields!
All we saw were millions of queleas, which although a spectactular sight, got quite tiring after a while!
One flock flew across the road in front of us, and after about 5 minutes there were still thousands more to come!
After that we told the rest to "flock off"...not that they listened!!
The Flutterlings of Africa
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Back at camp we got chatting to Dave again. They had had a great day, seeing wild dogs, cheetah on a kill, and wait for it...the white lion!!
When we told Dave that the highlight of our day was queleas, he was genuinely shocked!
After dinner, Mommo went to bed and the Brat went to shower, so I sat on the verandah with the lights off. It wasn't long before I saw the AWC sniffing at our bin. I started talking to it like I talk to our cat, and it sat and listened for a while before moving off.
A short while later I got quite a scare as the honey badger ran past the table, about 4 feet from me!
I don't think there's anyway they can get rid of these night raiders when this is the bin they provide!