Simple plans were changed

Doornhoek had lion right at the dam wall

Another young lion was also there, but made a quick escape - they still weren't too sure of vehicles

The lioness wasn't quite so concerned, and tried her best to prove that she was a dragon rather than lion

After hanging around at Doornhoek we realised that there simply wasn't time for Rooiplaat and the Link Road. Instead we went back down the main road so that we could do Ubenjane twice

On the main road we saw aardwolf number 274,563
Ubejane itself was a little bit quiet, but we thought we had gone along the loop just a fraction too early. Some good spotting discovered a couple of bat-eared foxes

The sunset made for some fantastic views over the landscape

The rest of the loop was quiet so we had sufficient time for a second pass. Along the main road between the Ubejane junctions we came across another aardwolf doing its thing
A herd of springbok came through which had the aardwolf concerned - they fluff themselves up to look as big and menacing as possible

However the springbok didn't fall for the trick and promptly chased the aardwolf which was funny to see

With the aardwolf clearly outwitted, we enjoyed the sunset before heading into Ubejane again