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Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:32 am
by Mel
Hahaha... I might have the nicer mongoose, but I'd certainly lose a lot of style points on many, many other animals O**
Anyhoo - the Namaqua rock mouse will up your tally a bit as well ^Q^

Your photos of Miles and Misty are an exquisit opportunity to study the different size between a male and female cheetah.

Great shots btw :-0

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 11:45 am
by Pumbaa
What an incedble day, ExFmem \O

love the dassie - What cute shots :yes:

and the ostriches and the amazing cheetah shots O\/ O\/ O\/

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:24 pm
by Lisbeth
The cheetahs are gorgeous and the pics, all of them, are brilliant.

You'll find lots of dassies in Augrabies Falls NP ;-)

Handsome young lions next to the road ^Q^ ^Q^

Also the dune road is a bore in my experience.

0() 0()

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 8:53 pm
by RogerFraser
^Q^ Love the Ostrich chicks spent a few days at Marloth with some they are very cute [Luv]

Handsome Lion O:V

Hanri and the cubs by yourself must have been very special .

Always enjoy the color of the Bee-eaters ^Q^ \O

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:37 pm
by GavinW
Wow wow wow

I'm so embarrassed, I just caught up with your report now :o0ps:

Your cheetah sightings are wonderful
:-0 :-0

In some 20 odd trips to the park we are still to see a successful cheetah hunt

Thanks for sharing

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:31 pm
by Richprins
What a selection again, Ex! ^Q^

Never knew there were dassies there in the desert either! :shock:

Marvelous ostrich pic, plus obviously sublime cheetah sightings! O/\

Ja, those giraffe are not rush-drinkers... lol

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:40 pm
by ExFmem
Mel - yep, I have a few to enter into the Mammal Challenge - most of which are the same quality as the mongoose. :o0ps: Am almost done w/ this TT, so will enter them then. Hope the pics of Hanri’s cubs can add something to future IDs.

Sis - agree about the Dune road most of the time, but occasionally can come up w/ a special sighting. (Took my prev. Pic of the Honey Badger mom carrying her baby in her mouth there. [Luv] ) Also saw lots of Dassies in the Boulders region, just not very often in KTP.

Pumbaa, Roger, Gavin, RP - thanks to each for your comments. For those ostrich chick lovers, more coming up….

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:43 pm
by ExFmem
Continuing with a few more sightings around Uri before it’s back to KielieKrankie for 3 days…

A couple pics of the very few BEFs I saw this time



A number of gemsbok youngsters were seen


A cloak ’n dagger secret agent obviously involved in an espionage mission


Lions are always a welcome sighting, but they are too often just walking <zz> - I don’t tend to follow them for very far before I get bored…


For some reason these little birds were in quite a serious looking battle. I stayed with them until it broke up as I was afraid someone might not see them and run them over. :-(



This juv. Martial Eagle was jumping from limb to limb, then back again - bored I guess





One morning I ran into a group of cars in the Bataluma - Gemsbokplein area. They soon began moving slowly north. A couple of gentlemen stopped to tell me they had just seen 3 cheetahs -O- chase a leopard up over the calcrete ridge opposite the riverbed. They thought the leopard was Bothshelo. Pretty confident group, whichever cheetahs they were. None of us found either the cheetahs or leopard and each went on our way.

Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 11:47 pm
by ExFmem
I spent a bit of time with an ostrich couple with 15 chicks! 0- At first they were quite far away, and wary of me (perhaps my past had caught up to me), but slowly made their way toward a nearby waterhole and became more tolerant of my presence.



An approaching wildebeest caused quite a fright for them, but was unimpressed with the mom’s threats of great bodily harm. @#$



After mom had done all the dangerous work, dad chimed in with some verbal abuse.


They all proceeded toward the waterhole…


“Mom and dad have daily water spitting contests. Some parents never grow up!”



We think mom wins this one! ^Q^


Re: Stop the World I Wanna Get Off: My Escape to KTP

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:55 am
by Richprins
What astounding shots all round, Ex! ^Q^ ^Q^

Love the bird interactions, and the martial is in awesome light! [O] [O]

And entrancing ostriches! [InLuv] [InLuv]