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149. Steppe Buzzard - 40 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:09 pm
by Mel
Steppe Buzzard Buteo vulpinus
45-50 cm, upper legs feathered, dark brown eyes (juveniles: light biscuit-coloured), variable plumage colouration: shades of brown, rufous and grey, plain above and blotched to barred below, usually white breastband. Uppertail of adults tinged with russet, light and fine bars above with distinct broad subterminal bar.
by Mel
March 2010
by nan
22.1.2012 - Nossob river (around Nossob)
by Michele Nel
Steppe Buzzard - near Kij Kij - Jan 2016
169. African Harrier-Hawk - 40 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:12 pm
by nan
African Harrier-Hawk (Gymnogene) Poly boroides typus
Could be confuded with PCG... but the legs are yellow and not red.
14th borehole - 27.3.2013
23.3.2013 - Nossob river
by Mel
Around 13th Borehole, 09/04/2015
by ExFmem
(c) Michele Nel -
172. Lanner Falcon - 20 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:13 pm
by Mel
Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus
The back and top of wings are slate grey and the head has a narrow black moustache on white cheeks. The lower abdomen, underwing and tail have dark barring on white or light coloured plumage. The chest, on an adult, is white.
Juveniles are brown in colour with brown vertical barring on the chest and a brown moustache and eye line on a cream coloured head.
Northern Auob, March 2013
by nan
by Tina
Kwang, October 2013
Nov. 2013 One of the Loop roads
by Michele Nel
Polentswa Waterhole - Jan 2014
by Lisbeth - Nov. 2017
- Lanner Falcon.jpg (46.54 KiB) Viewed 814 times
by Peter Betts
- Lanner.JPG (48.5 KiB) Viewed 811 times
by Dindingwe
083. White Stork - 40 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:19 pm
by nan
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
Silent, except on the nest, when loud whining and bill-clapping are given.
26.1.2012 - Kwang
by Michele Nel
Near Kij Kij, a long time ago
181. Rock Kestrel - 20 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:29 pm
by Mel
Rock Kestrel Falco rupicolus
Grey head and tail, spotted, bright chestnut upperparts and its underparts are also a bright chestnut that contrasts with the nearly unmarked white underwings. Females tend to have more black bands in the central tail feathers than males.
Northern Auob, March 2013
Subadult, April 2011
by Tina
Dalkeith September 2012
by nan
by MIchele Nel
Auchterlonie Oct 2013
by ExFmem
- Rock Kestrel.JPG (46.4 KiB) Viewed 809 times
by Dindingwe
426. Red-face Mousebird - 40 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:31 pm
by nan
Red-faced Mousebird Urocolius indicus
The red facial patch is diagnostic.
28.3.2013 - Kieliekrankie
© Mel
Marie se Draai, 04/11/2014
© MIchele Nel
14th Borehole - 30/12/2016
© ExFmem
Sept.2018- Polentswa Waterhole
425. White-backed Mousebirds - 60 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:33 pm
by nan
White-backed Mousebird Colius colius
Predominantly gray mousebird. The white bill tipped with black, and the white lower back, visible in flight, are distinctive.
by nan
7.3.2013 - Twee Rivieren
by Mel
Opposite Lijersdraai waterhole entrance, October 2013
by Tina
Twee Rivieren September 2013
by Michele Nel
Oct 2013 - along Aoub Riverbed
by ExFmem
- 425 whiitebacked mousebirds 60.jpg (182.89 KiB) Viewed 1985 times
- 425.jpg (104.64 KiB) Viewed 807 times
By Dindingwe
437. Striped Kingfisher - 60 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:42 pm
by nan
Striped Kingfisher Halcaon chelicuti
18 cm; sexes similar. Small dryland kingfisher with red-and-black bill. Distinctive white collar encircles neck. Most likely to be confused with larger Brown-hooded Kingfisher, but less brown and has streaked whitish breast, white neck collar and blue rump. In flight, conspicuous white underwing pattern separates it from Brown-hooded Kingfisher, which has no white in wing. Male's underwing pattern differs from female's by darker black carpal patch and subterminal wing band.
Juvenile: Duller and less streaked than ad.
29.9.2012 - around Kiliekrankie
by Mel
Southern Auob, March 2013
by Michele Nel
Dec 2010 - near Craig Lockhart
(c) Lisbeth - 2017
449. Purple Roller - 40 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:46 pm
by nan
Purple Roller Coracias Naevius
The largest roller of the region. 33cm. A stocky, square-tailed roller lacking any prominent areas of blue in the plumage when perched. Overall pinkish-brown, flecked with white on underparts.
by nan
26.9.2012 - South Mata Mata
by Mel
Auob Riverbed, October 2013
by Tina
Near Auchterlonie October 2013
by ExFmem
Nov. 2011
by Michele Nel
Mata Mata - June 2009
by Lisbeth - Nov. 2017
451. African Hoopoe - 20 Points
Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:51 pm
by nan
African Hoopoe Upupa africana
Unmistakable. Russet, black, and white plumage. Erectile crest is frequently and conspicuously flared.
16.9.2012 - near Kamqua
by Mel
Dalkeith, March 2010
by Tina
Marie sa draai, October 2013
by ExFmem
Near Mata Mata, October
by Michele Nel
African Hoopoe - Auob Riverbed - Dec 2013
© harrys