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Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:14 am
by Ratel
Thanks Lisbeth, RP, Pumbaa, FB, nan, and now harrys for following along on the afternoon drive and giving so much encouragement. 0/*

Let's get this day knocked over so we can move onto the exciting events of the following day. ;-)

After another "acceptable but not fantastic" dinner at the camp restaurant we readied ourselves for the night drive. We were actually quite excited for two reasons: Firstly because there was no way the drive could be as bad as the previous night! lol And secondly because the air was very still and significantly warmer this evening. A good night for nocturnal activity. :-0

The route taken was much the same. We started north to spend 10 or so minutes at the Hyena den. This was our third visit for the day so not really needed, but we certainly didn't complain and everyone else on board seemed to get a real kick out of the experience. The driver then turned us around and we went back down to the H7 and across beyond Nsemani Dam. On this stretch we saw a pair of BBJs on a real mission. They seemed to have picked up a good scent and were not stopping to say hi to us. A little further I picked up another moving shape and called "Civet!" Fortunately I was right, and while it was a little distant Lyca and I enjoyed our first encounter with this curious beast. I wish we could have watched it more but it also wasn't hanging around and soon disappeared into the long grass. Next up was a sizable bull Elephant with his younger "understudy". We switched off and watched (and listened) as they fed right beside the truck. Several Scrub Hares put in cameo appearances on this stretch also.

As with the previous evening the driver put in a bit of time and effort looking for animals around Nsemani. I assume this is because they regularly see cats there? Unfortunately Nsemani didn't produce any cat activity during our stay at Satara and I wonder if this was due to the construction work going on at the dam?

Returning to the H1-3 we turned right and slowly cruised down to the H6 turnoff and back. Already stoked about our Civet sighting, this final stretch put some icing on our night drive cake as we saw three Large-spotted Genets! We had previously seen the Small-spotted model in Namibia but this one was a newie. And one was even in reach of my camera (just!) :-0
We piled into bed quite satisfied that night. Serval had again eluded us, but it was exciting to find a couple of nocturnal species we had not seen before. Also, tomorrow the adventure would continue northwards as we were to spend the next night at Olifants. O\/

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 11:24 am
by Lisbeth
Civet and genets.......and hyenas O** is not too bad, but in the dark you do not really SEE them :no: I must admit though that I have seen my only leopards on night drives ;-)

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 12:37 pm
by Flutterby
I am not of a fan of night drives but at least you got to see some new species. \O

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:19 pm
by Richprins
Ratel wrote:
Richprins wrote:You must be the first person in history to rave about a big herd of impala, Ratel....but right you are! X#X :yes:
RP there is a bird in my neck of the woods called a Grey Honeyeater. Google it. It is possibly the most unattractive bird in the world. But it is rare and hard to find which makes it very sought-after. Birders come from all over to see it. I am reluctant to take people out to find it as if and when we finally see one their response isn't normally excitement or wonder but rather relief at being able to finally "tick it off". After so much effort they quickly want to move on to something more interesting...

But consider a 200-strong herd of Impala.
Stop for a minute and look closer.
Look at the male tapping the female on the leg. He wants to sneak one in!
And check out the two males sparring. Their horns aren't fully grown yet. They are just youngsters practicing for when the big day comes.
And what about the ones on the outer? Are they male or female? Seasoned adults or naive youngsters? Are they alert for danger or succeptible to predators?
There is drama in such a scene. Common animals, but lots of action and drama. Much more than back at the sleeping Lions with their flicking tails!
This is an excellent analogy, Ratel, you are quite a smart fellow for a convict, I must say! :yes: X#X

Night drives are about luck just like other drives, sometimes astonishing, though, because other animals are seen, obviously, so win some lose some? --00-- But certainly excitinger! Drned expensive now, and one can't really take any tea with for fear of peepee problems, and they stay out past my bedtime! lol

Maybe Nsemani predators were elsewhere as not much drinking going on at the dam, or water in the veld...was it like that? -O-


Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:04 am
by Ratel
Thanks Lisbeth, RP and FB for your thoughts on the night drives. I don't disagree with any of them!

We go on night drives to see the smaller nocturnal animals we just won't ever see in the daytime. We carry a very nice torch to light up the distant sightings, and binoculars to make sure we get a good look. Not sure if other guests are so satisfied though - do they expect lots of big cats? No "tea" is consumed, and we are sure to save our pennies before we travel so that while we are away we can afford to do whatever activities we decide we want to (within reason!)

I did advise SANParks in my feedback that the night drives start too late. I am sure they have a practical reason for the timing, but they should really start 1 hr earlier. Better for sightings and for peoples' bed time! The "luck of the draw" was also influenced by whether or not the driver/guide operated a spotlight. I put much more effort into spotting things myself when this was left solely to the passengers.
Richprins wrote:Maybe Nsemani predators were elsewhere as not much drinking going on at the dam, or water in the veld...was it like that? -O-
Sure RP, probably a more logical explanation. Due to my lack of experience I don't know if there was above-average water availability in the veld, or if there were below-average numbers of game drinking. I just expected the dam to produce more cat sightings than it did at the time.

Sorry for the long-winded analogy, but we are wildlife watchers and enjoy studying animal behaviour. Seeing is better than not seeing, that is for sure, but for us watching is way better than just seeing. \O We are thankful for the brief sightings of rare and exciting species, but our best memories are when we get to observe over a longer period of time. If only we had more time in the park...

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:23 am
by Lisbeth
You must take more time next time O** \O

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:22 pm
by Flutterby
What I dislike most about the night drives is being with a whole lot of other people. Call me anti-social :twisted: but I just don't like it...much prefer to be in my own vehicle choosing my own routes. We have seen lots of nice stuff on night drives but nothing we haven't seen during our day drives or in camp at night. ;-) And also, we spend most of the day in the car, so I just love to relax around the fire at night. ;-)

A couple of years ago we did a morning walk from Olifants, and that is something I would do again...really enjoyed it. :yes:

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:36 pm
by Lisbeth
Especially if the others have no idea what it is all about and think that loud voices will attract the animals O**

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:46 pm
by Flutterby
Exactly, and don't know how to handle the torches. :O^

Re: In Search of Some Good "Spots"

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:55 pm
by Lisbeth
:yes: 0*\