We hit Renosterpan...with some action...
The viewpoint is a bit silly, with the big parking, a row of bushes, and then a narrow road leading in front of the bushes on the water side, which ends up in a tortuous track back to the entry road...
But a couple of tortoises!
At first we thought it was a mother and baby!
But it became apparent there was something else going on, and I remembered tortoises don't operate like that in their family structure...
Mp: "Wow, look how fast they are going!"
Pw: "Ja, and the baby follows the mother's every move"
RP: "Maybe it's a daddy wanting to play with the mommy?"
And yes, never seen tortoises move that fast!
What ensued was a ribald discussion of the merits of this mating thing...we eventually suggested she must just lie down, and Momprins was extremely derisory about the optimism of the little male...
Anyway, they disappeared over the horison, and on cue a visitor arrived:
On the way out we saw cars parked behind the reservoir there...I'm not sure if one is allowed to drive in, but it was a well-worn entrance, so off we went?
Some wallows around, and some more visitors:
Two or three babies together again...saw 4 together on the last trip...