Day 7… on our way to meet some friends
17 December
The morning started early and busy, we packed up and just before we leave we wanted to get some ice for the coolerbox, we had only space in the freezer for our meat and our KPA so the veg etc had to keep cool in the box. I went to the store to fetch the ice but it was still dark, I it was actually scary being there with no one around, but there were no cats lurking around I made it back to my car in one piece. We left the camp at 4:50 and had a long way to go, as we were to meet Crested Val and family as well as Sparrow with his entourage in Phala for a drink then go to Sable Hide for our annually night stay. I just have to add that Leachy and Sprocky was supposed to join us but Wendy and I was under the assumption that there were only 8 beds in the hide, we were one bed short and couldn’t accommodate them. Again so sorry Leach and Sprocks as later I found out there were 9 beds but one was broken so also could not be used in anyway.
We started with a beautiful morning sun
And first thing we saw was this rhino family
Then some pooh-shrooms next to the road
And then we were lucky enough to see another reedbuck this morning…
Afterwards we had a run in with a secretary bird, after a few pics Wendy drove on but I stayed with the bird trying to get nice shots, it didn’t really happen…
When I moved on I just saw Wendy’s car around the bend not moving and as I turned to my left I saw a lioness in the open walking to a waterhole to drink. She was also calling but we didn’t know for who as she was alone. After a few minutes she just walked off…
Then this road produced a lot of white storks, they were everywhere. I was lucky enough to get one in flight
I looked to my right and was excited when I spotted this…
I flashed for Wendy and pointed towards the lions. It was so quiet and peaceful, sitting for about 40 minutes with these ladies, they only stood up when the other female crossed the road again, but she disappeared as soon as she showed herself.
They stayed on their spot and we decided to move on, soon after we saw this breeding herd of ellies came towards us, but at least after a few metres went into the bushes
We also saw a kori bustard
And a MR Majestic posed beautifully for us
Now it was time for a quick stop at Tshokwane and then we had to press on as it was another 150km to go. We had a great sighting of ground hornbills, the one had a terry in his mouth
At Kumana there were some white face ducks close by
Then some birdies, we got a Wahlberg eagle and a young bateleur
Just before Satara we got some buffalo, the one was scratching his head on a piece of wood.
Another quick stop at Satara and then we met Nkulu, she was there with her husband for a few days and went on a quick drive whilst hubby did an afternoon sleep. We had to pick up our speed otherwise we would never make it on time. So we would only stop for ‘special’ sightings. We had a lot of general game on this road, everywhere there were zebra, wildebeest and ellies with some steenbokkies popping up every now and then. But as we drove past Ngotso dam (about 1km) we were met by a 5 car road block (the good thing about the North) and this was waiting in the tree. He did absolutely nothing, found out on facebook that he was there since 7:00 and we saw him just past 11:00.
It was quiet all the way to Letaba and we saw a juvenile Bateleur
And just outside Letaba an ellie carcass in the riverbed, crocs and vultures were taking a few bites of him…
Now for the last stretch towards Phala gate, it was starting to get hot so we almost stopped for nothing but I didn't see waterbuck today so here it is
And a red crested korhaan, I saw the falling dance, it happened right above me so was brilliant!
And a LOT of hyraxes very close to Masorini
We got to the gate by 16:00 and checked in, and they would get our sleeping bags ready for when we get back at 18:00. They also allowed us to plug in the freezer at reception so our meat won’t go off. Wendy left her phone there to get charged as well, now it was off to Spar to buy some fresh veg and salad greens and then to Buffalo Pub and Grill for a few cold refreshments. It was 17:00 and we just had to bid our farewells and off we went back into the Park, we got our bedding at the gate and now the last 10km before we get to Sable Hide. We saw the Ellie carcass with lots of vultures, it was shot a few days ago because it was a nuisance… some buffalo and impala and as we get to the hide, we see a JJ 10m from the entrance, Wendy and I drive up to them, and guess what waits for us…
It was 2 lionesses, the guide also told us that the rest of the pride was on the other side of the dam, we didn’t see them though. Sparrow and co missed the lionesses with a few minutes as they walked off, now us gals were too scared to open the gate to the hide so we waited for Sparrow to be a gentleman, which he was.
Pics of the hide
I can just say that although I was bummed that we were 2 members short, this was definitely one of my most memorable nights in the Park. We unpacked what we needed that night, we took down our beds and made them up for the night. Then it was time to relax and have a few KPA’s and kuier with some friends. Sparrow was our chef for the night and made us delicious prawns and lemon-garlic butter with prego rolls. It was drizzling lightly and it was the first night that Wendy and I heard mozzies, so we had to put on the necessary ointment. With magies vol we went to the hide at about 23:00 and on our way we saw scrub hare, we sat inside with our torches ready we checked the dam but could only see some impies.
I soon went to bed and left Wendy and Sparrow on their Sable search. The other two were fast asleep before I went to bed.
Now just to add about the night, I don’t really go to the loo during the night, and with the longdrop at the hide being like 2km from where we sleep I really didn’t want to have to visit the loo but with heksie’s luck I had to visit it THREE times that night and every time I walk out the first thing I do is shine on the left over prawn that waited on the braai. I mean our cats at home just love fishies so I bet a leopard would love a bowl full of prawns… And when I’m happy that the braai area is safe I walk down and check underneath the hide for sleeping lions… All I can say is that I survived the night.
To be continued…