And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....*

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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Meanwhile the bateleur started feeding on the snake and bit off piece after piece and the rest of the snake had been sucked like a spaghetti and the meal was finished and the bateleur was full and we had an amazing sighting and were allowed to take hundred of pictures.


Needless to say that after the snake had been eaten the bateleur took off and the traffic jam cleared away immediately and we carried on via the S41 to stop for a grey heron


and a black-bellied bustard.


We allowed ourselves a short brake at Gudzani and headed forward. Lots of causeways had to be crossed and as usual when water on one side is left the birds are not far and you simply have to look and so it was today again – We spotted another malachite kingfisher


and a green backed heron still very well camouflaged sitting on old and dry branches which has been washed away and carried via this pond when there was more water in the small streams earlier that year.


Today turned out to be a fantastic day for birding as these days with chilly temperatures and strong wind after an extreme hot day we always had luck with bird sightings and especially the raptors turned out to be more active and so it was once again today. Once again lots of blue waxbills could be seen as well as carmine bee eaters



and crowned plovers.


Finally the general game occurred also more and more in the more open areas of that road and we had a splendid time in observing and photographing elephants,


one of the ever present waterbuck males



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

and even one of his beautiful ladies.


Several herds of zebras crossed the street and in a peaceful moment Timon captured a mom and her little one.


She looked already heavy pregnant again. At least we were happy to watch such tender moment between them


and later on even Daddy wanted also a closer look.



In another pond on that road in which nearly the whole water was already gone we spotted a beautiful saddle billed stork pair


and both allowed some nice close ups


and started to forage in the mud


and also a group of resting young male waterbucks could be seen as well.


Nearly at the end before we had to turn into the S90 Timon spotted a fish eagle in a tree not far away from the road.


to be continued.....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

Post by Pumbaa »

You can be rest assured that the button was abused once again and started to glow again.


Besides the traffic jam at the bateleur sighting the rest of the road we travelled was car free and we had nearly each sighting all to ourselves and so we or better to say Timon could wait for the right moment when


the fish eagle might take off, however, that never took place and so we carried on. On the S90 on nearly each bush we could see lots of amur falcons although all of them were extreme far away we had a great time in spotting once again so many of them in the park. One had just caught a mouse or rat, landed on a branch and started to feed on same until only the tail could still be seen.


Nearly the whole drive on that road we saw lots of general game such as elephants



gladly all of them were either far away or belonged to the gentle ones and posed nicely for us.


A large herd of buffaloes were roaming around that area


and also a group of zebras joined the buffaloes and most of them had a great time in grazing


or either in eying us curiously as they normally do – I simply love those buffaloes encounters and


always want to photograph as much of them as I can – Their faces do always tell so many great stories.




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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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More zebras came across


and even many impalas.


We were fascinated by the many European swallows which we saw over the days in Kruger and which were foraging close to ground for food nearly during the whole day and today we met some resting ones.


Sorry for the many pictures of them but in fact for us impossible to choose our favourites.



Colourful Carmine bee eaters came along


and we were glad to spot another one of the shy steenboks


and a group of three female kudus were chilling together and one of them even found something interesting to chew on.


Not to forget the many wildebeests in that area and they in fact had a lot of youngsters between them.


and Timon could not resist in taking more shots of the ever present Carmine bee eaters.


to be continued with one of my dream sightings....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Finally our morning drive ended in front of the Satara camp gate and as we still not had enough and also the temperatures were still chilly enough to spend also the midday on the road we only made a short pit stop in camp and afterwards carried on to Nsemani dam. When we arrived there I must say I was shocked because of the water level and the nearly no existing grass any longer around the dam – Never saw that dam in February ever before as we did this year. Presently a lot of general game had just arrived to quench their thirst and we wanted to observe them but a safari vehicle from an outside provider waved us frantically closer and so we only wanted to take a short look but then we were hooked as they pointed out to us a sighting of a beautiful lioness suckling her two cubs.


WoW – A sighting I wanted to see at least once in my life time and that dream came now true. You cannot believe how I thanked the guide of the safari vehicle with which we shared now that amazing sighting.


Needless to say that Timon started once again his photographic marathon and the button had nearly been pressed permanently. It did not take long until the cubs drank enough and walked away from mom to spend a bit time on their own in order to take a short nap


but for sure one of the cubs soon started to get bored and returned to mom


already presenting some impressive sized paws at that young age and then it was time to snuggle with mom.


First only one of the cubs returned to Mom but when the one with Mom started to help itself at Mom’s milkbar the other one also soon appeared


and it was time for a snack again.


Mom was wearing a collar and only last year we saw a lioness with a collar between her pride at exactly the same place and so I suppose that it could be the same one and she eyed us suspiciously not that we might come too close!



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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Meanwhile also the Safari vehicle carried on and we had that sighting all to ourselves unbelievable in such a famous area but I guess most of the people in the park where taking a break in camp and in fact we nearly were alone at that sighting which we for sure enjoyed tremendously. In between all of them got curious


and later on shared some tender moments together.


She was such a proud Mom


and was caring for her offspring very gentle.



Unfortunately at Nsemani dam all the animals had meanwhile disappeared and same was deserted at least for a short period of time but we both were so fascinated by the feline trio and we only had eyes for them.


What gorgeous little cuties they are



to be continued.......


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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One of the cubs has again trotted off whilst the other one still stayed a bit with mom but for sure curiosity nearly killed the cat and same soon joined its sibling as it was obviously play time


and Mom had finally time on her own – What a rare occurrence when raising two kids!


As the two cubs stayed now out of sight and we nearly spend one hour with them it was also for us time to move on and to follow our original intention to pay a visit at Girivana but before we simply had to admire a hippo mom with her little one at Nsemani.


Our visit to Girivana was not that fruitful but we at least spotted a lone elephant bull


and a steenbok so it did not took us long and


we once again stood in front of Nsemani dam and now it was rush hour at the dam again as either huge elephant bulls or several breeding herds were about to arrive



or had already arrived and here we spotted a high-spirited teenage elephant bull (I suppose) who soon after arrival took on with an fully-grown elephant bull but Mom soon came to rescue.



Lots of grey giants were on the move and either arrived or had already enough from bathing



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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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and we had again a splendid time in watching them as it was already a couple of years ago when we saw such an amazing number of them


acting like small children at Nsemani! Mom elephant and the bull were still battling around with the little one between their legs – Please let my kid alone!



Gladly finally all the heated minds calmed down and everyone trotted off in peace


whilst others still not had enough from splashing around.


We also paid a short visit at the waterhole behind the dam and could spot a couple of vultures


but already noticed the huge traffic jam which meanwhile had built up on the other side of Nsemani which meant that the lions cubs could be seen again. It was now already late afternoon and most of the people where on their afternoon drive so compared to where we had the cubs all to ourselves earlier now it was a crush as everyone wanted to see the cubs and we too saw them again and


now they were playing on their own on the edge of the dam and mom had meanwhile disappeared completely. The gorgeous cuties started to play tag and lost time and room in their play and soon continued their play behind the high grass and this was finally our signal to return slowly back to camp. At least it was a bonus that we could see them twice and for sure this sighting was one of the many highlights we already had during that trip.


to be continued....


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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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After this exciting encounter with all the cars trapped at that lion sighting we headed back to Satara but first we had to photograph a waterbuck lady who just climbed up to the road from Nsemani dam


and on our way back we simply had to stop for this nicely posing tawny eagle close to the road.



After a more than exciting day which we spent almost on the road we for sure had enough from driving and instead strolled to the camp shop which had been renovated meanwhile and with an early braai we terminated that day very happy on our verandah with a nice bottle of wine.

Monday, 23th February, 2015 – Satara

Roads we travelled along that day: H7 – S12 – S40 – H1-4 – Mananga Trail

Today we wanted to drive the Mananga trail again as we could not do this the last two years due to flooded areas which we had to cross but as check in can only be effected on the same day you would like to do the Mananga trail at the Satara reception between 07.00 and 11.00 o’clock we still had enough time to pay a short visit to Girivana and on our way to the waterhole we spotted a group of waterbuck males.


Nsemani dam and the rest of the roundtrip was also quiet and we were already on our way back to Satara when we spotted a couple of wood hoopoes in a tree.


Whilst observing them a bit more carefully we noticed that obviously they had a nest in a hole of the tree as one bird left always the tree in order to search for something to feed on and the other one obviously the female stayed in front of the hole where we suspected the nest and was begging for food not only for her but also for the offspring


for sure that she got for what she asked for.



We spend in fact a lot of time watching the wood hoopoes which is also one bird which always fascinates us extremely and today we had enough time and no other cars came along.




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Re: And then the Fish Eagle started to call.....

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“Hurry up, we are hungry” – Also from time to time the female disappeared in the hole in the tree only to wait once again in front of the hole to wait for more food.


Meanwhile it was also close to 07.00 o’clock and we drove back to camp in order to check in. After the formalities had been done we were finally on our way and before we could turn into the trail a lot of wildebeests and zebras came across and simply had to be admired especially with the rising sun




and they are always extremely good to observe whilst travelling North on the H1-4 still in the vicinity of the camp and we even got a short glimpse of a black bellied bustard which also crossed the street in a hurry.


Finally we could turn into the Mananga trail and our off road adventure started with an interruption of 2 years once again. The trail itself is not only about sightings but for us more for being away from the roads and crowds and to enjoy the bush a bit closer and on our own as this might be possible from the public roads.



Furthermore it is also allowed to leave the car as long as no animals are in sight but you always have to stay close to your car and especially for our landscape shots and also to stretch our legs a bit we for sure accepted that offer and it was only us in the bush with all its smells and sound – It was heaven!



On the first part of the trail normally not much is to be seen but nevertheless we had a great time in bumping up and down with the car but compared to previous year where the grass was extreme high or with mud puddles all around this year it was an easy drive.



to be continued...


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