1. There is no sexual dimorphism in cheetah.
2. If you can not see the testes or the area with testes abesent, you need indirect hints to tell the sex (type of social unit)
These are the social units
a) single adult (impossible to guess the sex, unless you see marking behaviour of territorial males or oestrus behaviour of females)
b) group with animals of equal height (try to age the individuals, look at mane and coat)
- mother with offspring: my understanding is, that dependent offspring ALWAYS has a fluffy mane, I might be proven wrong, if you have a photo of a mother with offspring without fluffy mane
- newly independent sibling group or newly independent male coalition; my understanding is that these animals ALWAYS have fluffy manes left
- almost mature siblings group (or coalition); they might have lost their manes (almost or completely????)
- group of adults should be a coalition (unless a pair during courtship)
You can see here: it comes down to aging the animals seen in groups and here the KTP experts can help, indeed.
Any proof of a mother with unmaned offspring?
How do cubs look like at the time they are feft alone (evidence of cubs recently independent or the last sighting before independence)?
Any proof of what siblings group look like (are they still together as a group at the age when they have lost their manes)?
What does a newly independent single female look like?
Any comparison photos for aging adults (smooth coat?): is it possible to tell subadults from adults?
Floater coalitions or singles (cheetah males you have seen for a while and then they left)?
Any other clues: territorial/agonistic/immature/... behaviour?