Lone zebra foal loses its way in Kruger Park
A lone zebra foal caused such a social media outcry over the weekend, that Kruger National Park (KNP) management has undertaken to take action.
10 hours ago
The foal was noticed near Olifants River Camp on Friday. Photos were posted to Latest Sightings – Kruger of the animal standing next to a kombi on Saturday.
Desi Hacker commented, “Oh, for heaven’s sake, someone rescue it. It’s a baby asking for help”. Stephanie Macera was of the opinion that “someone probably killed momma, so that’s when it is okay to intervene with nature to counteract the evil caused by humans.
How can they let a baby starve slowly to death?”. Emily Rose had a different suggestion, “Could just slide that van door open… and ask for forgiveness later.”
The KNP decided to act. In a statement, they said they have decided to engage with a section ranger. “According to the information at our disposal, it is highly unlikely that the foal could be orphaned.
“Chances are there might have been a chase within a dazzle of zebras which caused the little one to lose his way. Animals as young as the foal in question do not recognise the scent of their mothers or that of their family animals, hence this one is unable to trace its way back to the mother or to other zebras.
“In the case of a mother being killed by other animals, the calf, or foal in this, case, does not leave the scene. It would stay in the area because of the trauma and other factors.
“It is also important to keep in mind that KNP is a nature reserve. We protect animals from people and people from animals, but we hardly interfere with Mother Nature’s way of doing things unless we must.
“Our rangers are, however, looking for the foal and if it is found alive, a decision will be sought from management on conservation interference options available to SANParks.”
https://lowvelder.co.za/472073/lone-zeb ... uger-park/