"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela The desire for equality must never exceed the demands of knowledge
Thank you Mel, nan, Flutts, Lis, Pumbaa & RP for all the comments
For our last morning in the park we ventured out for a quick drive before the packing up started. Our route took us up to Rooiplaat then down the link road, round Ubejane and back along the main road. Our first sighting of the morning was a first for me - an African Harrier Hawk or Gymnogene
On the way up to Rooiplaat there was a very cute baby zebra - probably the same one we had seen on the night drive
Just before Rooiplaat we startled an aardwolf who went bounding off into the distance
It stopped for one quick look back before disappearing over the hillside
The usual suspects were out and about on Rooiplaat
The link road was unusually quiet with just a few regulars around. This young kudu caught our attention
On Ubejane at the pan there were plenty of ostrich feeding, and some springbok having a half-hearted tussle
There had been no sign of any cats on the drive, but the aardwolf was a real treat