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Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 9:36 pm
by Pumbaa
De Laporte is meanwhile one of my favourites, Richprins \O

There is always something to see there - Great to see still water in Shitlhave - Transport dam looks in fact empty :-(

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:45 am
by Alf
We visited transport dam in April and it had a lot more water in then :-?

Where did all that water go -O-

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:17 am
by Richprins
Into the tummies of animals, Alf! lol

There were heavy storms in early autumn around Pretoriuskop! ;-)

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:37 am
by Alf
Richprins wrote:Into the tummies of animals, Alf! lol

There were heavy storms in early autumn around Pretoriuskop! ;-)
Then they were really very thirsty lol lol

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:13 pm
by Bushveld Jock
Richprins wrote:Ja, Puffie! lol

Anyway they eventually arrived, after dropping in, going to fetch stuff, forgetting food, bringing charcoal etc.... 0:

So we could start with the joke:

An Indian, a Coloured, an Afrikaner, a Chinese and two Dutchmen walk into a bar! =O: =O: =O:


Joe, Mark, BL, Kelly and Rex!

You guys should have booked at Pretoriuskop. Saw the crowd at gate closure the Saturday at Pretoriuskop and immediately recognizing the AW T-shirt. Great chatting to them and miss RP as he stayed at home. ;-)

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:20 pm
by Bushveld Jock
Richprins wrote:Off Borderline and I went to visit Joeking in Berg en Dal on Friday night! X#X X#X X#X

Borderline insisted on entering at Numbi...but I knew it was dense in Pretoriuskop area...
Funny to think of it that we thought of you as we drove pass Biyamiti weir on 24 June remembering the lions sighting. We entered at Malelane gate and booked in at Pretoriuskop around 4 pm. Wonder if we passed each other on the road or even at Transport dam. The elephants had a wonderful time there swimming in the water nearly ontop of the hippos. 0/* 0/* 0/*

Re: Pull up a chair, put your feet up.....

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:25 am
by Richprins
We did Voortrekker, BJ!

Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:46 pm
by Richprins
Onward! \O

Sabie River is fine!


A nyala! :twisted:


Sand river a lot drier....but the normal pool at the Low-Level bridge there... O-/


Idyllic! ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^


We had to move along a bit, as we had to meet the Browns at 12 tardiness accepted by the hamsters, you know... O**

N'watindlopfu Dam now has a very weird and pointless truncated loop around the can see neither the trough nor the dam... 0-


But a lovely surprise...SP have reopened Manzimhlope windmill on the S-36, and it will be pumping for many months, literally and figuratively! :-0


That is REALLY the only water for miles there, and seems to be a good way of using "reserve" vegetation during drought times for megafauna, so Kudos to SP! ;-)

Doing what lions do best...they shall be revisited later... lol


Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:58 pm
by nan
reopened a windmill,. that is good news ^Q^

hippo and croc seems to be in "good intelligence" \O
nice to see so mich water in the Sabie O/\


Re: Richprins' Short Business Trips to The Park

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:00 pm
by Dewi
Manzimhlope has changed quite a bit since I was last there 6 years ago RP. :shock: A lot more water back then.