We arrived exactly on time, and no Browns...
A bit flustered, I enquired from Jonas the venerable Attendant if he had seen a men clogged with a crew of females in a natal bakkie, but no joy?
Anyway, we got a spot and the bunch duly arrived...
Notice Mrs Brown anxiously and thrillingly expecting the inevitable in the background there!
The electric cooler had ceased to function, due to a technical problem, but BC's beloved defrosting pregos came into their own!
A nice reunion with the rats!
The electric window on BC's vehicle had also ceased to function...
Who would imagine AW members having automotive problems?
I put the women to work!
And the men! GB had to earn his keep, obviously!
Got lots of pics of the encounter....the food was superb, I must say, and the place was quiet, and there were animals flooding to the water the whole time!

Please check Needs Attention pre-booking: https://africawild-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=322&t=596