Southern Tree Agama, Blue-headed Tree Agama Acanthocercus atricollis, Agama Atricollis (Bloukopkogelmander)
Family: Agamidae
Their main colouration is grey/brown. Adult males can reach up to 20cm head to tail, with the tail making up more than half that length. Males tend to be larger than females with a large triangular head. The ear openings are larger than the eyes, and the tympanums (eardrums) are visible. Their bodies are compact and spiny. The scales on the body are small and keeled, with those along the back larger and mixed with scattered, enlarged, spiny scales.
Breeding males have a dull blue to bluish back, with bright blue to straw-yellow spines. The head is a coppery-green to brilliant ultramarine on top, blue-green on the sides and peacock-blue on the throat. There is a large black spot on each side above the shoulder, and a broad, blue-green to yellowish stripe down the back. The tail is dull green to olive-brown. They display a blue head during the breeding season, when feeding and during the hottest times of the day.
Females and non-breeding males are olive to green-brown, with black marbling above, with a black shoulder spot,the pattern on their backs being very distinctive. Juveniles have a similar ground color, with dark X-shapes surrounded by white blotches along the sides. The tail is banded with dark brown-black.
It is found from Eritrea, south through East Africa to coastal KwaZulu-Natal, eastern Botswana and northern Namibia. The western limit of the distribution is the western DRC.
Open savanna and along the edges of forests.
Most Agamas are terrestrial, but this species is arboreal. They come to ground only to move to another tree, and occasionally to feed. They require the heat of the day to be able to move about so you will find them basking in the cooler times of the day. They are often seen nodding their heads in display while clinging to a tree trunk. Unlike other agamas this species is arboreal. When threatened, they retreat around the tree trunk, always kepping it between themselves and danger. They will open the mouth widely, showing the bright orange mouth lining and will deliver a painful bite if caught. Contrary to popular belief they are not venomous. They sleep in a hollow branch or under peeling bark. They shed every few months.
A generalized ambush predator, mainly insectivorous, but may eat grass, berries, seeds and the eggs of other smaller lizards.
Recorded as prey of African goshawk.
Polygamous. Males may have 6 or more females in their territory for breeding. 8-14 oval, soft-shelled eggs are laid in a hole in moist soil. They hatch after about 90 days. They hatch after about 90 days. Hatchlings measure 7-8cm. They triple in size in their first year, but growth slows thereafter. They become sexually mature in their second year.
© BluTuna
Female in Kruger National Park
© Toko
© JustN@ture
Female in Kruger National Park
© BluTuna
Male, Kruger National Park