Canon electronic malfunction

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Canon electronic malfunction

Post by Flutterby »

Thu Oct 27, 2011
lion queen wrote:Hi all,

I've developed a problem during the weekend in Kgalagadi.

I have a Canon EOS 1000 which usually lays on my lap during the trip. I've taken photos during the Sunday with no problems and the Monday I took some cheetah and giraffe photos with no problems.

When we reached a lion sighting the camera was "dead". It had power as the lens focused, but the LCD screen was dead and in the view finder I got a "busy" message. I changed lenses and was ok for the rest of the trip with the other body.

I did take out the battery for more than a day and changed memory cards. I plugged the camera into my laptop, which did not even pick up that a camera is connected!!!

But now the problem is.............Upington!!!! No one who can help me. I went to the photo shop and they phoned Canon. They say it's a electronic malfunction and the camera needs to be send away.

Is it worth while to do that or do I just face the music and buy a new body????

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Re: Canon electronic malfunction

Post by PRWIN »


Have you tried reseting it

go to settings and push menu

scroll down till you see clear settings

select clear all camara settings and then turn camara off and remove the battery.

Also remove the cmos battery it is in the main battery holder on the flap side I think on yours as well.

Leave for a while and then re install everything . hope it works.

Ps maybe change your cmos battery as well first.

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Re: Canon electronic malfunction

Post by Flutterby »

lion queen wrote:PRWIN,

I wish I could do that, but the LCD screen is dead................nothing zero sweet blue all!!!!

Ok I googled cmos battery lifetime and got a chat room where they said about 3 years ( mine is now 3 years) and when the cmos is dead all other functions is this afternoon I'm going to check if I can find the thing and then I need to start looking for a new one in Upington which might be a problem!!!!

Now I want to know if this is sort of public knowledge why didn't the canon person they talked to yesterday say any thing??? Might it be that sending your camera in to them they can charged you a lot of money and then just replace a cheaper battery????

This is all very frustrating!!!!!! O/ O/ O/

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Re: Canon electronic malfunction

Post by PRWIN »

:shock: Thanks for that info mine is 5 years old

not really it is a normal watch battery
lion queen wrote:ok now for the "bad" news................I've looked every where on the Canon EOS where a place that I could find for a CMOS friend has a 450 and she send me a photo where you can clearly see where her CMOS goes in................ O/ O/ O/

So i'll take it in to the Cape Town people when we go down there in a few weeks time!!!

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Re: Canon electronic malfunction

Post by JustN@ture »

JustN@ture wrote:LQ, I found this on a forum regarding your problem. Sorry does not look like there is a fix other than to take it in.
Forum is here and there was another here
quick scan of the second mentioned something regarding the memory card class and bust RAW shooting.
Just of the problem is "The problem was an acknowledged fault with the firmware."

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