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Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:05 pm
by Ronnie
Other Park Experiences

Hi to ALL you guys and gals out there.

I thought to share some of my experiences and pics of other parks with you, (that is non-sanparks)

Please feel free to join in with your own experiences..........

Here are some pics taken at Kragga Kamma Game Park, Port Elizabeth

Sleepy Warthog




Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:05 pm
by Ronnie
Thanks BJ,

Here is The Pig you are referring too, it sounds like you know it very well. \O

The Pig and Whistle Pub in Bathurst is reputed to be the oldest pub in SA......



Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:06 pm
by Bushveld Jock
Hi Ronnie,

Yes thats the Pig I am talking about, but I am more familiar with the Hogs of Hogsback. These piggies must have made the Setlaars crazy to name a hotel and town after pigs. -O I stayed for 3 years in EL (some call it Slummies now) from 1988 - 1990 and during that time did a lot of hiking trips in the Amatolas, Double drift, Woody Cape etc.

I never visited Bathurst during the 80's and the closest I got was when I did a canoe trip up the Kowie. Last year we visited the town when we stayed near Port Alfred for a few days.

Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:07 pm
by Ronnie
I took this pic of the three cheetah on an overcast day and there was a light drizzle falling at the time
The cheetah in the center looks pregnant to me........just a thought


Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:08 pm
by Ronnie
Thanks to all you folk for your comments \O

I met this little baby Nyala as he came walking round the bend in the road and stopped next to my car.
The strange thing was it was all by itself.... no adults around.....naughty kid? :-?



Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:09 pm
by Ronnie
Rhino sighting

Mother and daughter Rhino grazing alongside each other.


Mother Rhino crossed the road and came up close and gave me the beady eye


She then turned around and showed me what she thought of me, what a relief I thought
Daughter Rhino then came and rubbed up against her mother.
If you look between them you can see the dust and soil falling to the ground


Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:09 pm
by Ronnie
Thanks Lisbeth, aren't all rubs good? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks Poplap, you are correct, beautiful from all the ugliness. \O

Kragga Kamma Game Park is a small private game park on the western outskirts of Port Elizabeth. They have a very good selection of animals and one can normally have very good sightings of these. Because it is so close to the city it is by no means a wilderness experience as one can often see mans influence in the area. When I visit the park I am prepared to look past these and enjoy the nature aspect.

Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:10 pm
by Ronnie
Because Kragga Kamma is a private park they can keep animal species other than occurred there naturally unlike SanParks that only keep animals that occurred naturally in the areas. The following pics of the Bontebok I took there is one such example of an introduced species. I am also showing you pics of Blesbok for comparison purposes that I have taken in another private park which are also an introduced species that do not occur naturally here. Private game owners are not allowed to keep these two species on the same property because of cross breeding.

Pics of the Bontebok




Pics of the Blesbok




Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:10 pm
by Ronnie
I visited the Kragga Kamma Game Reserve this morning and I was very fortunate to have very good sightings of the Rhino.
You will notice from my previous postings that the Rhino have been dehorned.
This was done some time back to discourage poachers from killing the rhino.
They are unfortunately still vulnerable as poachers have killed rhino to remove the stub that remains after dehorning.





I was very touched by this little garden of remembrance to all the rhino that have lost their lives due to poaching.
Although no rhino have been poached here the garden of remembrance is constructed at the restaurant.



Re: Kragga Kamma Game Park

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:32 am
by PJL
We popped in to Kragga Kamma the other day as their cheetah cubs are being seen a bit more regularly and we were rewarded with pretty much a private viewing of them with no-one else around. As mentioned earlier in this thread, Kragga Kamma doesn't have a particularly 'wild' feeling as it is located so close to Port Elizabeth, so there are often houses/power lines/golfers in the background. But it's a great place to introduce people to african wildlife, and we were surprised how many young there were for this time of year. Here are some photos from our visit.





Here are the little cheetah rascals. There are 4 cubs and both cubs & mom seem to be doing very well. Whilst they are not wild, it's always good to see cheetah doing well as part of a breeding program.







At the parking area near the cafe there are often animals around so it feels a bit like a walking safari. This young nyala wasn't too afraid of me walking towards it, whilst there was the thrill of being 30m away from a rhino with only a small bush between us O/\



The buffalo have also had young - and there will be more on the way soon judging by the size of some of them!



Leaving view
