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Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:05 pm
by Heksie
Where it all began…
Now you guys know that every trip you have had, started with an idea, or a conversation, ours on the other hand started with a Savanna…
After my Jan 2013 Kruger trip, Wendy and I organised a get together as we were planning to visit Sabie Park in Easter and had to make some arrangements. After some delicious guacamole, chips and one too many Savanna we decided to get on the computer and book a 9 day trip to Kruger.
In the meantime we went on our Easter trip and had a ball. Another get together were planned as we were going to Marekele in June and meeting up in Kruger in July. A lot of laughter and excited conversation together with more guacamole and Savanna we decided that we should add another 9 days to our Dec trip, making our itinerary:
6 nights Lower Sabie
1 night Sable Hide
4 nights Satara
4 nights Crocodile Bridge
3 nights Malelane
Now we just had to wait for the days to creep slowly closer. During this ‘waiting period’ we found out that a few mites would be joining us at certain camps and after getting in contact with them we got friends to stay at Sable Hide with us. As it became Nov I was starting to get excited, all the camping equipment was stacked and ready to pack, I had to buy groceries and alcoholic refreshments, I had to clean my memory cards and ensure my camera equipment was ready to work overtime. Wendy and I was also planning to arrive separately as I’m one of those Kruger crazies that just have to enter the Park when the gates are opened, which meant I’m leaving at 2:00 in the morning, but she is more rational and wanted to leave Pretoria when the sun started to show and of course it safer for a woman to drive.
A week before our trip would start I got together with a friend of mine and he invited me to stay with him, so I could leave for holiday one day earlier. He stays on a plantation near Sabie so it was a bonus as I don’t have to leave very early in the morning and I was closer to the Park, so a shorter drive was in order as well. Everything was getting together and I was starting to get very excited...
This would be my longest trip to Kruger ever and definitely something to look forward to, now the time should just arrive for me to get in my car and start my Krugertrip…

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:11 pm
by Mel
Welcome back to the out of paradise world, Heksie 0/*

Getting some 0() and X#X out, comfy-ing myself on the sofa and am ready to tag along. O/\

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:51 pm
by Richprins


Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:05 pm
by vinkie
I am ready and waiting 0() X#X

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:06 pm
by Bushcraft
O/\ O/\ O/\ I'm onboard X#X

0() 0()

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:59 pm
by Lisbeth
You are already late :twisted:

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:16 pm
by nan
Richprins wrote:Image

exactly what I need Image

ready 0()

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:19 am
by Richprins
Love that smiley, nana! =O: =O: =O:

Wish we could add it here! :-0

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:22 am
by Heksie
Mel wrote:Welcome back to the out of paradise world, Heksie 0/*

Getting some 0() and X#X out, comfy-ing myself on the sofa and am ready to tag along. O/\
It took a while for me to get back to real life, the Kruger changes people O**

Richprins wrote:Image

Oh how I miss Savanna, it was too expensive so I bought only Hunters for the trip 0- 0*\
RP, some of my sightings would blow your mind :twisted:
vinkie wrote:I am ready and waiting 0() X#X
I will try to post an episode every day for you guys, because this is going to be a long TR O**
Bushcraft wrote:O/\ O/\ O/\ I'm onboard X#X

0() 0()
Great to see you here, would love to see if you guys would book a Dec trip after you have seen some of my sightings... There wasn't as many sightings this trip but the ones I saw was very special. O/\
Lisbeth wrote:You are already late :twisted:
I know... I tend to do this from time to time, be computer illiterate and then stay away for a few weeks, I'm so sorry O0
nan wrote:
Richprins wrote:Image

exactly what I need Image

ready 0()
Nan, I need a Savanna too... it would maybe let the creative juices flow...

Re: Krugertripping this Summer...

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:24 am
by Bushcraft
I know that some were really special Heksie O/\ O/\ O/\ O/\ , but I won't let the "cat out the bag" 0: