Baboon and Monkey Chaos

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Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by Richprins »

There is big drama about a baboon being ineffectively shot at Tamboti last week, with blood-curdling death knell etc. And a lot of local social media discussion...

The theory is that cages have been built at units around the park, to protect groceries, so as to stop baboon and monkey intervention, and tourists cause the problem in the first place by feeding them etc.

This is not a new thing, and my brethren have been shot for decades for being a threat to children especially...they have been bitten!

Relocating is ridiculous...just shoot them properly ...they get the message, and are not an endangered species!

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Re: Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by nan »

when... when tourists will stop feed animals 0=

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Re: Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by Richprins »

Today's Lowvelder:

Kees gryp vierjarige by bekende piekniekplek

“Daar is ‘n voerplek vir die bobbejane gemaak en ‘n groot vanghok is gestel.”

9 December 2014 09:45

SKUKUZA – ‘n Vierjarige dogtertjie is verlede Woensdag vir etlike meter aan die arm gesleep toe sy deur ‘n bobbejaan by ‘n bekende piekniek-plek in die Nasionale Kruger-wildtuin (NKW) gegryp is.

A 4 year-old girl was dragged by the arm for a number of metres by a baboon at Nkuhlu last Wednesday.

‘n Oog-getuie, mnr. Theuns Koen, het aan Laevelder vertel hoe ‘n groot bobbejaan, waarskynlik die brandwag, die kind by die Nkuhlu-piekniekplek gegryp het en sowat vier meter ver met haar gehardloop het, voordat hy haar neergegooi het.

Volgens Koen het sy langs haar ouma geloop toe die dier haar gryp.

She was walking next to her grandmother.

“Ek het met ‘n besemstok op hom afgestorm en hy het haar gelukkig gelos. Sy het geen bytmerke aan haar lyfie gehad nie, maar was erg getraumatiseerd.”

Theuns Koen, a tourist, charged the baboon with a broom. She had no bite marks, but was badly traumatised.

Koen het vroeër onder dieselfde trop deurgeloop toe hy saam met familie en vriende by dié plek – tussen Laer Sabie en Skukuza – gestop het.

“Ons het net die vleis op die rooster gehad en die tafel klaar gedek, toe vyf bobbejane op ons afstorm. Hulle het uit alle rigtings op ons toegesak.

Een het bo-op my vriendin se rug gespring, die glas uit haar hand gestamp en daarna met die broodrolletjies weggehardloop.”

Koen and his group were attacked earlier, with 5 baboons attacking from all directions, one jumping onto a ladyfriend's back, knocking her glass out of her hand and stealing the breadrolls.

Volgens Koen het hulle met hul aankoms die diere opgemerk, maar is ‘n besemstok gegee om hulle te verjaag. “Die personeel het gesê die bobbejane is bang vir die besemstokke, maar dit was beslis nie die geval nie.” “Ek is die duiwel in en het besef hier kan ‘n mens nie meer stop nie. Dié plek sal my nie weer sien nie,” het hy gesê.

Volgens Koen was daar wel ‘n man wat die area gepatrolleer het, maar dié was aan die ander kant van die kamp. Daar is ook geen waarskuwingstekens nie, – slegs ‘n “geen alkohol”-kennis-gewing.

Koen noticed the baboons upon arrival. They were given a broomstick, with staff assurances that the baboons were afraid of that, which proved false. There were no baboon warning signs. He will never return

Laevelder het die wildtuin gekontak en alhoewel daar volgens mnr. Oubaas Coetzer, kommunikasiewoordvoerder van die Skukuza-polisiestasie, geen amptelike klagte ingedien is nie, dra die park wel kennis van die bobbejaan-probleem by Nkuhlu.

No official complaint was laid, according to Skukuza police, but the Park knows about the baboon problem there.

Volgens dr. Freek Venter, bestuurder van bewaringsbestuur van die NKW, is hulle reeds besig om aandag aan die probleem te gee.

“Daar is ‘n voerplek vir die bobbejane gemaak en ‘n groot vanghok is gestel.”

“Ons hoop om hulle binnekort te hervestig.”

Venter het ‘n beroep op besoekers gedoen om geen diere te voer nie.

Dr Freek Venter, manager of Environmental Management, says they are already giving attention to the problem, with a feeding area for baboons, and a large trapping cage. They hope to relocate the baboons shortly. And visitors must please not feed any animals. ... kniekplek/

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Re: Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by nan »

always the same problem... feeding Baboons 0*\

but, become to be very dangerous... and not only a lady alone O-/

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Re: Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by Richprins »

They must just be shot, as in the past.

SP are paranoid about being labelled murderers after the elephant shootings in the past, for example. Every animal shooting, even the recent croc one at Skuks Golf Club, has the caveat that there was no choice but to kill the animal.

However, this is entirely different. In this case, tourists are not behaving recklessly, as in speeding or swimming or teasing etc.

INNOCENT tourists are getting point in trying to explain to a toddler that tourists are feeding baboons. :evil:

And this will just get worse.

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Re: Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by nan »

feeding Baboons... is still and always a bad "good excuse" 0-

like you I think the problem is much more different 0:

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Re: Baboon and Monkey Chaos

Post by Bushcraft »

They have learnt to steal and bully their way to food and this is more of an issue at the moment then visitors feeding them. It will get way worse if SANParks do nothing and unfortunately the only solution is to shoot them :-(

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