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Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:00 pm
by Amoli
Mma and I set out for a birding morning on Saturday.

Armed with a garmin and without bino’ we set out.

This site was very rewarding – different – but good. There were a lot of cyclists around, yet it didn’t seem to bother us – we were the only car.

Their two hides are newly renovated/built and in pristine condition.
I would certainly go back.

Mma was a great navigator, with book in hand she would direct me left and then right and telling me, according to the book, what to look out for.

I photographed 19 specie although we saw many more

Entrance :


One of the dams. See the hide in the background


Some roads could have easily been somewhere in the park – breathtaking


The bark on this massive tree caught my attention.


A Lifer – Red-capped Lark


African Pipit


Yellow fronted canary


Black throated canary


White throated swallow... *edit* this is a Barn swallow... \O Thanks Lis.


Yellow billed duck


Greater crested Grebe


Is this a spur-winged gosling?


Black shouldered kite


And our last sighting was very far, long crested eagle


Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:34 am
by Flutterby
Nice sightings! \O Looks very pretty. ;-)

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 11:58 am
by Lisbeth
Very nice \O
Your white-throated swallow looks like a barn swallow to me ;-)

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:12 pm
by Amoli
Lisbeth wrote:
Your white-throated swallow looks like a barn swallow to me ;-)
Lis, it could easily be.. I will check tonight and correct. Thanks for helping me. O0

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:42 pm
by leachy
:-) :-) :-) :-)

great destination..

great photos !!!!

\O \O \O \O

i reckon they get a lot more visitors now that they are not called "diepsloot nature reserve"

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:54 pm
by Flutterby it in Diepsloot? Nice and close for me. ;-)

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:36 pm
by RobertT
Close to HeronBridge school Flutts, is very big with the mountain bike cyclists over weekends. \O

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:27 pm
by Amoli
:ty: for commenting wildies... \O

There are roadworks on the road passed Diepsloot/Northern Farms, and you buy the tickets on the premises now.
It is also best to buy (R5) a map of the area at the office.

This coming Saturday (8 November) there is a big biking event there and the Reserve will be closed to all public.
It would be best to phone before a visit is planned. \O

I went mainly for the red-capped lark and the half-collared kingfisher....the kf will have to wait till next time.
They suggest very early morning for the raptors. ;-)

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:58 pm
by Duke
Thanks Amoli, we were there about a year ago and the hide had burned down. Glad that it rebuilt. Time to visit again \O

Re: Birding in Gauteng - NORTHERN FARMS

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:04 pm
by steamtrainfan
Wow, thanks very much Amoli. We were not even aware that this place existed.

On my "TO DO" list.

Love your duck landing. ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^