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The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:43 pm
by Richprins
It was a dark and stormy night! Presumably in Arizona when Stark informed me last year that he was having a bachelor trip to Kruger this year, and wished to renew his acquaintance with the Prins family, established at Roodewal a few years back! :twisted:

So things were arranged for myself, Momprins, her "acquaintance" Vim, and Aardvarksa and his wife Lady Blacksheep to meet him at B&D for the weekend! O/\

This was the normal bumbling trip, not very long, but highly relaxing and wonderful! Or infuriating, depends on how you look at it... lol

Anyway, after a host of arrangements, Miss Daisy arrived with her cheauffur, cheuffer....driver, and we left Nellies after school to Malelane gate! \O

Here is Momprins chilling out in her brand new vehicle, which the wonderfulness of I have been hearing about for many months... :O^

It is nice though!


I am always terrified of going to Malelane gate, as the security official there has sent me, leachy and Dwarf running around a few times because we had "tea" in the car, but we were ok this time. It was unusually hot, I must say, but check in didn't take too long. My one and only flower pic I shall ever post! :twisted:


We entered and mellowly drove to B&D on the tar road! Vim is quite a nice and sharp fellow, who claims to have tea only once a year! But you know me, he had had two teas by the time we neared camp! ^0^

The vegetation had improved dramatically since the drought, but it's going to take a couple of normal years to get close to ok there...grass struggling! O-/


Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:43 pm
by Mel
Richprins, are you okay? You have never ever done a travel tale so close after the actual trip :shock:

But either way... I'll enjoy this. Gonna be highly entertaining between you and Stark 0()

And the odd scolding for RP from Momprins lol

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:18 pm
by nan
is not a car to go to the bush =O:

and the tea... entered in the park :-?

ready for more 0()

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:02 am
by harrys
0() 0() 0()

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:39 am
by okie
Mel wrote:Richprins, are you okay? You have never ever done a travel tale so close after the actual trip :shock:

But either way... I'll enjoy this. Gonna be highly entertaining between you and Stark 0()

And the odd scolding for RP from Momprins lol

Its all the " tea " that he has to take before entering the hostile environment at Malelane gate =O:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:34 pm
by Bushcraft
A BMW :shock: I’m surprised you didn’t go into your VW speech :-?

“Tea” is permitted if one is staying overnight. :-? Did you guys get greased as day visitors :-?

Nice flower pic RP O0 =O: =O: =O: =O:

You force feeding Vim “tea” O/\

The grass is struggling that side but not further north in my opinion 0:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:56 pm
by Flutterby
Momprins has a lovely car! :yes: \O

A flower pic from you...and quite a good one too!! :shock: 0-

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:55 pm
by Richprins
The huge guy at the gate forced us to put the tea cooler in the boot, BC, overnight visitors or not! As said, a bit of a love-hate relationship over the years! lol

Momprins has a hankering for BMWs, you know, she works for the Municipality, and that's how they roll in this country! =O: =O: =O:

The report will go quite quickly, for a change, maybe, Mello! lol

The car is theoretically 4=4, nana, very nice...but a diesel... :O^

Anyway, a pic of the road to set the mood! (Not many pics I have...things unravelled as usual, with people very lazy and sleeping, relaxing in the camp, so one grabbed the closest vehicle should one wish to take a short drive...I took some pics with Vim's BRIDGE camera, for example, must try and get them! ..0.. )


We popped in at Malelane camp on an oversight visit and to see some friends who had invited us there! \O

No safari private tents yet! ;-)


The lawns are not looking good! There is puhlenty of water for irrigation... :evil: @#$


And onwards! A rhino, part of 3! \O


We saw 17 rhino on the trip, and trust me, we didn't drive much at all! :shock:

Spot the animal:


Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:29 pm
by H. erectus
This VIM dude, mind I ask, not by any chance related
to the crowd that come bottled in plastic containers??
They are often seen skulking around on kitchen tops, near
the sink usually!! More than often rather always "when the
pot calls the kettle black!!,...heh he hi hi,. ;-) O** !!!

This stuffy oke called VIM, has rather unusual attributes,
makes all dark stuff, bright and shiny again!!

Shoeie Momprins, you keep some of Vim capped in a
bottle, in the boot of that BM!! Tuck it away under the
sparewheel next to the jack<.. O** O** ;-) ;-) =O:

Re: The Search for Stark, Part 2! Berg&Dal May 2017

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:04 pm
by Richprins
Aha! Momprins can tackle you a bit, Jealousus! :ty: