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From Blue Train to Wild dogs -and a little bit in between

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:39 am
by okie
My SO , Okiedokie said to me : “ Look , it’s not as if you are going to a funeral ! All your pants are getting old and worn-out , and do not fit you anymore . Your weight has increased considerably since we last bought you any clothes , and none of your pants still fit you . And you cannot go in your jeans :X:
And we will also need to buy you a couple of nice shirts , for you to wear in the evening , together with your jacket and tie “
“ What :shock: “ said I . “ We are on holiday , and nobody wears a tie while on holiday 0*\

“ It’s a requirement for you to dress up when we go to dinner “ , she says …. “ and maybe we should also look at a new pair of shoes . Your Bally shoes that we bought in Switzerland 15 years ago , still look OK , but I’m not sure if it still fits you .”
“ Hey , come on man “ I said , “ did you know that there are two things of a crow/raven chick that never grows bigger after it hatches from the egg . The crow's feet and it's beak are both fully grown on the day it hatches , and after that it stays the same size for the rest of its life “.

“ So , what does a crow have to do with you having to buy new clothes “ , she asked .
“ Well , once humans are fully grown , their feet also remain the same size , unless your body retains excess water , and my body is not retaining excess water :O^ It is just gracefully growing bigger with age “ O** ….

“ Hmmmmm…. “ , she mumbles . “ It does not really look very gracefull to me ! But in any event , just think , you will probably not need to get new clothes again until your own funeral ! “

Sh…tt… :shock: :shock: , wow ….. :shock: :shock: :shock: Hey , what am I letting myself in for here 0*\ Am I been outfitted for an event which I am not quite planning for yet O-/ Is there something that I do not know --00--

Hmmmm…. Now before I go any further with this , let me explain from the beginning .....
Some weeks ago , Okiedokie came to me with an idea for her coming 75th birthday , which would be on 26th November . Every year , sometimes once , and sometimes twice a year , when we go to Kruger , we travel by Land Rover , two days up , and the same back again , but , she said since 75 years is a special birthday , she wants her birthday to be special . Don't worry about family , or children , just the two of us 0/0 .
On the Blue Train :O^
She has for some time been agitating that we could take the train ( Shosoloza ) from Cape Town to Pretoria , with the Land Rover also loaded on the train , and on arrival in Pretoria , we could then take the Landy and visit Kruger .
But she has now come up with the idea to ride on The Blue Train to Pretoria , and let our son Anton drive the Landy up for us , from where we could then do a shortish visit to Kruger .
And I agreed :O^

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs - what more do you want

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:20 am
by Richprins
Brilliant, okie! 0() 0() 0()

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs - what more do you want

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 9:34 am
by Flutterby
The Blue Train! :shock: Wow, very wonder your SO wanted you to get some new clothes! lol

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs - what more do you want

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2017 8:55 am
by steamtrainfan
Wow okie, hope we do not only get photos of animals. ;-) ;-)


Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs - with a little something in between

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:25 am
by okie
Yeahh well .. except for the luxuries thrown in , the trip on the train itself was very much like any other train trip ..... Boring , with sitting , eating , drinking , sitting , drinking , eating , drinking , sitting , drinking , eating , drinking , drinking ........... 0*\

After the clothes buying episode a couple of weeks previously , there was the matter of getting us on the train in Cape Town .

You see , OkieDokie mainly resides in Somerset West , and I mainly reside on the farm near Worcester . We do not have to spend day-in day-out in each other's company -- after all , we have been married more than 49 years and do not need to know each others movements day-in and day-out :O^
So , it was arranged that : OD will drive to the farm on Monday ( she would need her car when we get back ) , and Serena , my PA for the past 17 years , would come to pick us and take us to Cape Town Waterfront where we would spend the night in one of the luxury apartments . Then , next morning at 6.30 am , Serena would pick us up again to take us to Cape Town train-station .
The Blue Train "terminal " have a red carpet rolled out in front leading into a luxury lounge , and we were met with very smiling staff , offering us champagne , wine , orange juice , beer , whatever you want ;-)

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs -and a little bit in between

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:18 am
by Richprins
That sounds blerrie marvellous! I like the eating drinking sleeping lifestyle a lot! ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

Hey, is the blue train a steam train? :-?

0() 0() 0() okie!

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs -and a little bit in between

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 1:50 pm
by okie
Naaah ... it's got a couple of diesel loco's in front ;-) Must say , the ride is quite smooooooth as trains go in this country \O The clacketyclackety is quite muted , although it sounded as if one of the wheels had a flat spot on it --- must have been subjected to hard breaking and was dragged on the rails or something 0*\

Yeaahh , you would like it , especially the drinking bit lol Everything is free , except for French champagne for which you have to pay , otherwise , you just order it , and its available 24/7 O/\

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs -and a little bit in between

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:41 pm
by okie
After a hearty welcome in the Blue train departure lounge , and a short introduction , advice on dress rules for brunch , dinner , breakfast etc , we boarded the train , somewhat woozy from early morning champers on en empty belly :-)
We were allocated to compartment number 30 - there were altogether 36 compartments , and 3 comps per carriage . Each compartment have two comfy-chairs that fold away to make space for two fold-out beds . There is also a bathroom with shower and toilet .
A very friendly gentleman assisted us with a very friendly : " My name is Winston , and I am your butler . If there is anything you require , please just call me on this telephone , and I will bring it to you . You can call me at any time , day or night . "

Wow , zowy . sheezelike 0() 0() O\/ O\/

" Now , can I bring you something to drink ? How about some more champagne ? " ( --- actually sparkling wine , but hey , who cares 0- obviously ol' Winston makes big tips at the end of the trip :O^ )

Oh , did I mention the TV ? Its a regular TV with its own remote controll , but hmmmm...... I am on holiday , so no real interest from me , except , one of the channels show the tracks in front of the train , from a camera mounted on the engine in front , so one can see and tell the driver where to go , turn etc . and maybe warn him before the train goes off its tracks 0*\
Well , SOMEONE has to stay awake you know ^0^

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs -and a little bit in between

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:07 pm
by Richprins
I would venture to say this is a bit expensive, okie, just a gut feel? -O-

Nevertheless! O/\ O/\ O/\

You must be the first passenger that listens to defective not enough sparkling wine? 0-

Ooh..they must let me loose on that train one day!

What about one pic?

This is very nice, please don't get angry and stop! 0:

Re: From Blue Train to Wild dogs -and a little bit in between

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:19 pm
by okie
It cost a bloody arm and a leg @#$

I do not sleep well on moving vehicles , so any extra noise keeps me awake 0*\

Some pics ? OK - Speeding rails