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Africa tops CNN list of top world beauty spots 9

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:44 pm
by Lisbeth
africa 24.4.2019 11:42 am

A male Nyala. Image: African Wildlife Detective website.

Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest has been ranked as the world’s most beautiful place.

Africa is renowned for its wildlife, breathtaking beauty, and as a place for adventurous safaris, making the continent a draw-card for tourists from around the world. Now CNN has listed what it believes are the top beauty spots in the world – with Africa taking the top three positions out of a total of 23 places globally.

Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, located in the Kanungu District of south-western Uganda, has been ranked by CNN as the world’s most beautiful place, the Daily Monitor reported on Wednesday.

The forest is home to the internationally famous mountain gorillas. Its biodiversity includes 400 animal species, 348 bird species, and 220 butterfly species within the Unesco-protected park’s 331-square-kilometre expanse.

Kenya’s Samburu National Park takes the second spot for the world’s most beautiful place. According to CNN, although the place is relatively inaccessible, it is a haven for some of Africa’s most dramatic wildlife.

The grassland and acacia-dotted landscapes of its national reserve are home to the endangered reticulated giraffe and Grevy’s zebra, as well as the pioneering Elephant Watch Camp, run by conservationist Saba Douglas-Hamilton.

In third place comes Morocco’s Mount Toubkal which is also known as the “roof of North Africa” as it is 4,167 metres above sea level. The path to its summit zigzags across empty valleys, past holy shrines and up steep snowfields before emerging onto a ridge that falls away to give climbers unrivalled views across the Atlas Mountains.

– African News Agency