New Astronomy National Park in the Northern Cape: MeerKAT National Park
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:45 am
New national park in NC on the cards
11:00 Fri, 12 Jul 2019
New national park in NC on the cards | News Article
An agreement between the National Research Foundation and South African National Parks (SANParks) for the establishment of a new national park in the Northern Cape is on the cards.
This was confirmed by the National Department of Environmental Affairs. The department said in an answer on a written question, in parliament, that SANParks is still completing internal approval processes for the agreement.
A national park will be around the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio astronomy facility in the Northern Cape, in the Karoo – not far from Carnavon.
The department said the agreement will be tabled at the next board meeting of SANParks and then submitted to the minister for consideration. The Business Plan for the establishment of the new park was already considered and approved in 2018. ... -the-cards
11:00 Fri, 12 Jul 2019
New national park in NC on the cards | News Article
An agreement between the National Research Foundation and South African National Parks (SANParks) for the establishment of a new national park in the Northern Cape is on the cards.
This was confirmed by the National Department of Environmental Affairs. The department said in an answer on a written question, in parliament, that SANParks is still completing internal approval processes for the agreement.
A national park will be around the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio astronomy facility in the Northern Cape, in the Karoo – not far from Carnavon.
The department said the agreement will be tabled at the next board meeting of SANParks and then submitted to the minister for consideration. The Business Plan for the establishment of the new park was already considered and approved in 2018. ... -the-cards