Kalahari Reflections March 2014*

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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

Glad you are enjoying the report harrys \O

And just when you thought the morning was over!

We turned back south after Melkvlei, partially in the hope that we would spot her again and also because we wanted to go down to TR to get supplies for our last evening in the park.

We hadn’t gone far when we saw this bateleur eagle sitting in a tree on the side of the road.


We watched it for a few minutes before it decided that it was time to take a drink
Sweet rain water



Wow those reflections blew us away!



And then returned to perch on another tree


20 minutes later we had more reflections in the road, only this time with a herd of springbok




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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

Our last full day continued.

As I mentioned earlier, we wanted to go to TR to get wood and ice for our last evening in the park, so we decided to take the Lower Dune Road from Kij Kij to the Auob and then to TR

The dune road was quiet, but you are always going to see steenbokkies along the way


Once at TR were had a chance to clean up a bit.
Here is a pic of the Jap in the TR camping area. It spent a fair amount of time under that tree!!


The road back to camp always included a stop under this tree (as I mentioned before when we saw the slender mongooses)


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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

That evening we decided to go north for our last evening drive of the trip. I wonder why!!!

First up some final reflections. This time at Kij Kij waterhole




Then typically a lanner falcon showing off


A juvenile Bateleur catching some rays


Followed by sundowners at Melkvlei


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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

Reluctantly we turned back south and headed back to Rooiputs

We paused where we had last seen Omtlameste, in the vague hope that she would still be there

I mean really, how pathetic :redface:


There she was :shock: :shock: O/\

We made a tour group from the Rooiputs Lodge’s evening when we pointed out what we were looking at
They had mega zoom cameras so I am sure that they got some stunning photos. The light was perfect. She was a bit far away for us to get great photos, so we enjoyed the moment watching her through our binocs 8)


She was far away and we eventually lost her again, and as time was against us we needed to head back

The trip back was far from boring

A family of bat eared foxes ran in front of us at Kij Kij



And inbetween Kij Kij and Rooiputs, this Vereaux Eagle Owl came out to play


We got back to camp about 5 minutes after the official closing time to be greeted with our last sunset of the trip.


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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

The Kgalagadi says good bye (for now)

The decision as to whether or not we should go for a morning drive before coming back to camp to pack up and set off back home as opposed to just packing up and heading south was really a done deal.

We set off for a last drive to Melkvlei and back. So what if we got back to Cape Town at 11pm as opposed to 8pm.

The recently graded jeep track between Rooiputs and Kij Kij was already starting to deteriorate as we bounced along, glad we would not have to drive it again in it’s ungraded state.( Been there, done that, got the t shirt)
Our first sighting of the morning was a coot in the desert!!! :shock:

This was seen in that small dam just north of Kij Kij

Then the Kgalagadi came out to say goodbye.

This jackal sighting, is one of the lasting memories we have of this trip.
A family reunion, in the warm morning sun after a cold night out.






After leaving the jackals, this gemsbok also was out in the sun


Whilst on the way back to camp, this junior batty glared at us.


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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

And we are finally home bound

We got back to Rooiputs, packed up our camp and set off for Twee Rivieren

This lanner at Samevloeiing


Another juvenile bateleur


Nice pic even if I say so myself :-)

And a lone meerkat came out to say goodbye



Just before the gates to Twee Rivieren, (around about where the lioness with a cub had been hanging around over the last few days), we had this weird sighting

A car stopped in the road, the driver was OUT of her car, and busy moving a baby tortoise out of the road.


I gave her a mouthful and told her to get back into the car and leave the tortoise. If you pick tortoises up they lose their sense of direction which disorientates them. Not clever.

She sheepishly drove on.

Back at TR whilst we were filling up at the petrol station, I saw her again, and told her that the tortoise had crossed the road safely
After that we set off for home, sad, satisfied and consoled in the knowledge that we would be back in December.

See you all after that trip X#X

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Re: Kalahari Reflections March 2014

Post by GavinW »

Wow – I have been meaning to comment on this TR for ages and have just not got there. Firstly I would like to thank my SO for an amazing TR (Gav you have done an awesome job of telling our tale) and secondly I would like to thank you all for the wonderful comments ^Q^ ^Q^ ^Q^

After 2 years away it was wonderful to be back home (our real home) and to me the adventure was also that we were going to experience some heat and I was a bit nervous but am pleased to say even though there were some very hot days, I managed to cope and am quite happy to go back in Dec (8 glorious days :dance: :dance: ). I loved the rain and especially loved that we had the rare opportunity of getting quite close to raptures drinking and bathing in the puddles in the road as well as other animals :O^

We did experience some quiet days but I just fell in love with all the raptures (once again) For me just being back was enough and the fact that I did not have to teach or answer a phone was heaven……… and I just loved the time alone with my best buddy (no not my camera). Spending 3 nights in Polentswa was heaven and of course 6 nights at Rooiputs was the cherry on top (would def do that again). I was worried about the fact that we were staying in accommodation in between camping, as we had always ended in accommodation, but I should not have worried. Gav and I love camping and to finish your holiday in such a special camp as Rooiputs, well need I say more.

I do need to inform all the folk reading this TR that Gav and I use muk en druk cameras. My camera this time was a Panasonic Lumix FZ150 (now have the FZ200) and Gav used the FZ7 and FZ18. We were very blessed with our sightings and when they were to far away I picked up my binocs and spent time just watching and being in the moment.

I will end off by once again thanking all forumites that have either just read the TR or have read and commented, therefore helping to turn pages, on our TR. Gav and I love the Kalahari and will keep returning for as long as we are able.

26th Dec – HERE WE COME

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